Schneider puts his money where needy folks mouths are

This time of year everyone’s so focused on making sure needy folks receive a proper Christmas dinner, they often forget about the other 364 days.
‘These people have to eat week after week, not just one meal on one day,? said Chuck Schneider, who owns numerous commercial properties in Oxford and Lake Orion and serves on both communities? DDA boards.
That’s why Schneider, in conjunction with the Lake Orion Kroger store, donated $4,300 worth of nonperishable food items, mostly basic staples, to Oxford/Orion FISH this week.
‘It’s just a tremendous help,? said Oxford resident Val Cass, who oversees the FISH pantry in Thomas. ‘It’s nice to know that people won’t go to bed hungry.?
Schneider purchased $3,200 worth of food, while Kroger made up the rest with a $500 donation and $624 in discounts.
‘Hopefully, this will inspire other people to make a contribution to FISH,? he said. ‘It doesn’t have to be of this magnitude. I’m sure they’ll appreciate any donations of food or money they can get.?
In November, FISH gave away 13,935 pounds of food to 167 households containing 443 individuals. The group also welcomed 14 new families in need.
‘We serve twice as many people a month now than we did two years ago,? Cass said.
Given these economic times ‘are a little different than normal,? Schneider said everyone who has the means should take ‘a step beyond the traditional holiday giving.?
‘I think we all have to dig a little deeper than normal because of the situation we find ourselves in,? he said. ‘I think we all have a responsibility to do what we can to help other people.?
Thanks to Schneider and Kroger, FISH received an estimated 3,000 to 3,500 pounds of food.
‘The idea is to have food for people over a long period of time, not just a holiday meal,? Schneider said.
FISH volunteers unloaded three pallets full of cereal, soups and crackers, juice, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti sauce and noodles, canned fruit, apple sauce, catchup and mustard, pancake mix and syrup, toilet tissue and paper towels.
‘They chose things that we’re either always very short of or we give away constantly like ketchup and mustard,? Cass said. ‘It’s going to last us quite a while.?
To make a donation to FISH call (248) 693-0638 and leave a message or mail a check or money order to P.O. Box 732, Lake Orion, MI 48361.
To learn more about all the good things FISH does everyday visit