Fletcher-Nieuwkoop engagement

Jim and Bev Young are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lindsey Nieuwkoop, to Trevor Fletcher, son of Dave and Rosalie Fletcher of Indianapolis.
Lindsey is a 2000 graduate of Oxford High School and received her Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from MSU. She received her Master’s Degree from Florida Tech. She is employed by Ensco in Melbourne, Fla., as a chemical engineer. Trevor is a 1999 graduate of Hanover College and is employed by BearingPoint in Indianapolis as a consultant.
We are delighted to welcome Trevor to our family. The two will wed April 3 in Key West, Fla., in a private ceremony. The couple will reside in Melbourne. Our congratualtions to them both for making such fine choices in their life’s partner. May God continue to bless their lives.