OMS spikers finish season strong

Despite losing four of their first five matches of the season, the Oxford eighth grade volleyball team finished strong, posting an overall record of 18 wins and 6 losses.
The eighteen member team accomplished all of their preseason goals and much more.
‘We had a ten game winning streak before going into Christmas break,? Coach Gayle Tucker. ‘Our first match coming back was against Fenton and it is always a battle. We split with them that night, avenging one of our losses.?
The season’s focus for the coach was teaching and refining the fundamentals for the future of Oxford volleyball.
Serving, passing, spiking and whatever else to takes to play as a cohesive unit.
As eighth grader Brooke Kovacic put it, ‘Our volleyball season was such a great experience. We all grew closer as a team both on and off the court. It was so much fun playing with these girls, and improving everyday.?
Hard working teams always find some type of success and lessons are taught.
‘This season taught me how to be a teammate and my experience on this year’s team will influence my life in the future,? said player Emma Richmond. ‘I have never in my life had so much fun on a team! We learned what it takes and means to be a complete team.?
The team’s final match of the season was against the OMS eigth grade faculty, including Principal Mr. Weaver.
The team prevailed taking the match before the entire eighth grade.
These young ladies will contribute greatly to the future of our high school program and will be exciting to watch.
? Submitted by Oxford Middle School