Have you ever thought how to help keep local businesses in your community prosperous even in this dire economy? Well, a local business is taking it one step further. To show their appreciation for the local businesses and communities where they work, Glitz Salons is initiating its own ‘unique? stimulus package.
Each stylist at Glitz will be given a bonus in $2 bills to be spent in local businesses of their choice. In turn, Glitz Salons is encouraging the recipients of these bills to further spend them in other local businesses, keeping the circulation going in their home communities.
Cherie Barnett, owner of Glitz, feels that in tough economic times, you need to support local businesses first. In turn, local businesses support the community, schools and charities. Shopping locally will also save consumers time and gas.
With these not-often-seen $2 bills in circulation, people will visually be able to see the value and the importance of supporting their local economy. It’s with innovative and creative ideas from businesses like Glitz Salons that keep our communities growing strong even through tough economic times.
So when you receive one of these $2 bills, be sure to pay it forward by spending it in town.