Market opens this weekend

More than two dozen growers and crafters are lined up for Clarkston Farmers’ Marker official kickoff this Saturday.
“We have a really good selection ? beef, strawberries, snap peas, eggs, lettuce, cheese, bread, milk, baked goods, jam, jelly, honey, gnocchi (stuffed pasta), said Anissa Howard, Clarkston Farmers? Market manager. “It’s a people’s market, open to all growers in the area.”
The market is open 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturdays, June 20-Oct. 10, in the parking lot across from Depot Park in downtown Clarkston. It starts four weeks sooner than in previous years, taking advantage of early harvests.
“It’s also an educational opportunity,” Howard said. “Growers are happy to answer questions about how their food is grown.”
More growers and artists will participate as the season unfolds ? 43 are signed up so far, offering organic produce, certified and non-certified, as well as goods produced with Gene Modified Organism technology. Local Community Supported Agriculture co-ops will also be on hand to provide information.
“We have musicians, metal workers making garden tools, and soap makers,” she said.
The market is also partnering with Bicycles for Humanity, collecting old bicycles. The bikes will be shipped to Ghana, where Bolga Baskets sold at the market are made.
For more information, go to the Farmers? Market Welcome Booth, marked with bright yellow umbrellas.
? Phil Custodio