Lets go fly a kite

The winds weren’t exactly whipping Tuesday, but enthusiasts and curious passersby managed to get quite a few kites high in the sky over the field near Dixie Baptist Church in Springfield Township.
Great Turtle Toys, located in Independence Township, will host the kite fly at Dixie Baptist every Tuesday, from 6-8 p.m., during the summer. There’s no charge, and all are welcome to stop by. Photos by Laura Colvin

Independence Township Parks and Recreation hosts Kitefest and Kids-Only Garage Sale, Saturday, April 25, at Clintonwood Park.
At the garage sale. children ages 6-12 sell, trade, and barter unwanted toys and other items except clothes.
Kitefest, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., sponsored by Great Turtle Toys, is for novice and experienced kite flyers. Free kite kits are available while supplies last.
Both events are free. For more information, or call 248-625-8223 or check www.itpr.org.