Dr. Forman celebrates with ribbon cutting

Dr.Jeffrey Forman, staff, and guests celebrated the grand opening of his new office at 6770 Dxie Highway, Suite 106, with a ribbon cutting, Oct. 10.
Forman, radiation oncologist and Michigan medical director of 21st Century Oncology, explained to guests new technology availble at the office, including TomoTherapy.
“The way radiation is dispensed using TomoTherapy causes less damage to the surrounding healthy tissue,” he said. “It’s very effective in most types of cancer.?”?
Dr. Forman presents a prostate cancer detection, prevention and TomoTherapy treatment seminar at Independence Township Adult Adtivities Center, Clintonwood Park, on Oct. 21 at 7 p.m.
For more information, call 248-625-0300.