Healthy living: New year a perfect time to get in shape

Weight loss resolutions are common at the start of the new year and at any age.
The key to success, however, is to set attainable and specific goals, say local health and fitness gurus Nancy Boch, a lifestyle and weight-loss management counselor, and Jessica Arundel, owner of Ortonville-based In Motion Anytime.
Rather than aiming for working out seven days a week, two hours a day, Arundel suggests beginning with 30-minute workouts three days a week.
‘Then, if you do more than that, you will be proud of the fact that you did more, rather than be disappointed if you don’t meet the unattainable goal,? she said. ‘It will only encourage you to do more.?
Need to lose 25, 50, or even 100 pounds? That’s fine, but break it down into manageable chunks, say both Arundel and Boch. Make the goal to lose a pound or two per week? a safe weight loss that is more likely to be kept off.
Accountability will also work wonders for those wanting to lose weight and can be achieved in several ways.
Arundel said having a buddy to exercise with or a personal trainer to help reach your goals is helpful. Group exercise classes are offered at In Motion and provide motivation. Boch recommends weighing yourself weekly, on the same day, at the same time to give a more accurate picture of progress, as well as using a food diary.
‘It’s the number one most eye-opening record of what you are actually eating on a daily basis,? she said. ‘Record everything that passes your lips. You often overestimate how much exercise you do and underestimate what you eat. If you have to write everything down, not only are you more aware of what you consume, but it makes you stop and think before you put something in your mouth.?
In the food diary, fruits and vegetables should make more frequent appearances than junk food as the balance of what you eat changes to healthier food. Boch notes it takes three to four weeks for the body to adjust to a healthier diet and let go of sugar and salt cravings.
Variety will also help. Boch suggests buying one new fruit or vegetable per week and trying it? maybe turnips one week and winter squash the next, mangos or papaya the following week. Variety helps the body get all the nutrients it needs and also works to reduce cravings.
Exercise is just as necessary as healthy food choices. Recommended exercise will vary based on age and size of a person, but it helps to find something you enjoy, and variety is key to avoiding boredom.
‘Any increase in physical activity will do wonders for your body and self-esteem,? Arundel said. ‘When you start to see results, it will obviously motivate you… The people with the most success are the ones who are consistent, who make small attainable goals that fit their lifestyle and people who realize there will be bumps in the road.?
‘None of this is easy,? said Boch. ‘If it was, everyone would be skinny. It’s simple, but it isn’t easy. You have to commit to it. The first step is awareness that you need to get healthier. Then you break it down into accountable steps each day, each week… It’s better to spend money on good healthy food and walking shoes than to pay for medications, operations, and doctor bills.?