Christmas luminaries light up village

Dear Editor,
The Village of Ortonville thanks everyone who helped with assembling and distributing the Christmas Eve luminaries throughout the village:
Boy Scout Pack 135: Gage Difalco, Nicholas Difalco, Marvin Aranowski, Matthew Edin, Mary Lou Knight, Tonya Cavanaugh, Shane Cavanaugh, Holly Cavanaugh, Rick Heines and Ryan Heines. Boy Scout Pack 531: Conner Kendrick, Scott Kendrick, Mike Massa, Ryan Massa, Joe Tomei and Joey Tomei. Boy Scout Troop 139: Jeff, Alex, Seth and Lori Hanft.
Council members and family: Coleen, Tom and Tom III Skornicka; Dan, Beth, Jake and Josh Eschmann; Debbie and Josh Baker; Aileen Champion; Wayne Wills and Kevin Vogler, JakobVogler, Maggie Cervin, Doug Cervin, Colin Harrison, John Begovich, Livernia Marion and Dom Marion.
It was heartwarming to see the tremendous support from those in the community who worked to honor this long-standing tradition. If I missed anyone who helped, please accept my apology in advance.
Thank you all!
Larry Brown,Village Manager