Imagine having a zero carbon footprint!

Dear Editor:
(In response to ‘Catching some rays: Solar power,? The Citizen, Feb. 5, page 8):
Kudos to Susan Bromley for your well-researched feature article on Tom Laviolette’s solar-powered home. Kudos as well to Laviolette, even though I have never met him, and to DTE Energy’s SolarCurrents program. The program, which will help the utility to meet the renewable energy targets required in the Clean, Renewable, and Energy Efficiency Act of 2008, encourages homeowners to retrofit their energy systems to solar energy sources. At a 75 percent savings on utility bills, it’s well worth the extra effort to keep the photovoltaics clear of snow. When there is no snow, there’s no maintenance required. Laviolette’s home stands as a fine demonstration, disproving the belief that ‘you can’t do solar in Michigan.? With innovations in solar technology, that belief is no longer true. When enough homes have installed this new technology, economies of scale will kick in, making them more affordable for everyone. Thank you, Tom Laviolette. Thank you, Susan Bromley, and thank you, The Citizen. Imagine having a zero carbon footprint! We should all be so lucky. Or so smart.

Lois Robbins
Brandon Township