Dance with me, Daddy!

She’ll always be his little princess.
He’ll always be her special guy.
And both of them will never forget those Daddy/Daughter Dances held by the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Dept.
A total of 390 dads and daughters attended this year’s dances held Saturday at Devil’s Ridge Golf Club.
From slow-dancing to ‘Butterfly Kisses? to doing the ‘Macarena? and ‘YMCA,? everyone had a blast on the dance floor.
Enjoy these precious moments now, dads, because you’ll be walking her down the aisle before you know it.
Time goes by so quickly.
? Photos by Editor C.J. Carnacchio

The Clarkston High School cafeteria filled with music as young ladies walked out onto the floor with their dads on Saturday.
They came out Valentine’s Day weekend for the Annual Daddy Daughter dance, held by Clarkston Community Education.
Participants also brought non-perishable items to donate to Lighthouse of Clarkston.