Goodrich Council Voters Guide Goodrich Village Council candidates Choose one

Name: Franklin First
Age: 42
Years in the village: 23
Education: H.S. diploma
Occupation: Skilled machinist
Government-related experience: Boardmember on Mill Pointe Shores Homeowners Association
Why are you running for village council? I feel I can do a better job than the members of the current council, along with trying to bring a higher level of integrity to the village government.
What is your plan to help improve Goodrich’s economic condition (i.e. attracting new businesses and retaining existing ones)? First off, promote the fact that Goodrich has a Chamber of Commerce which is a wonderful resource for new businesses. I feel that the council should work alongside the Chamber of Commerce to network with other towns to get ideas on how they brought in new business and support their existing businesses.
Where do you stand on the need to hire a village manager? I do feel there needs to be a village manager. There needs to be a person to coordinate between the council and the administration staff.
Where do you stand on shared services with Atlas Township? I would support certain services to be consolidated. In these economic times any cost savings that can be brought to the taxpayers would be wise and beneficial to the residents of the village.
Where do you stand on keeping the current village DPW vs. utilizing Genesee County Road Commission? I would like to keep the DPW, but I feel a restructuring of the staff may be more cost effective for the village. We can retain the same level of service with possible staff reduction, which in itself saves the village money.
Name: Greg Konkle, married to my wife Judy, 31 years
Age: 51
Years in the village: 14 ? years
Education: High School graduate, and some college
Occupation: Carpenter/horticulturist
Government-related experience: Although never elected to any government position, I was actively involved in many volunteering positions: Cub Scouts, coached T-Ball 2 years (Waterford Schools), and attended Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce meetings and events.
Why are you running for village council? My involvement to run for this council seat became evident to me when I witnessed firsthand how and what was happening within our government. People of the village want an elected official to work for the people, and want the officials to be able to compromise regardless of differences.
What is your plan to help improve Goodrich’s economic condition? My first and foremost goal is to hire a manager who is proactive in attracting new businesses. We definitely would benefit from having a manager who has leadership and business credentials to help advocate for current businesses and for new businesses wanting to come to the Village of Goodrich.
Where do you stand on the need to hire a village manager? It is important to hire someone that has the ability and qualifications to manage the administration and the DPW. We deserve to have someone who is proactive in bringing accountability to all the village employees and have the administration and DPW working for all of the residents.
Where do you stand on shared services with Atlas Township? Governor Snyder has made it perfectly clear that if townships and villages do not show that they are proactive in seeking out with surrounding municipalities to share services then they will lose revenue sharing by 2012. We must look at all possibilities to help our village maintain revenue sharing, and to evaluate the data that Atlas Twp. has supplied the village and decide if this is a lucrative offer without losing any services.
Where do you stand on keeping the current village DPW vs. utilizing Genesee County Road Commission? This is another question that will need to be evaluated by taking information that will be provided by our Plante and Moran study. I am not in favor of losing any services.
Name: Richard Saroli
Age: 72
Years in the village: 11 years
Education: BBA University of Detroit
Occupation: Retired from Ford/ Owner Conlex Corp (Consulting)
Government-related experience: Worked on presidential campaigns, former homeowners assoc. president
Why are you running for village council:
The results of the last recall was 53 percent to 47 percent. The village is evenly divided. My business experience allowed me to learn the art of compromise. I would bring that ability to the council.
What is your plan to help improve Goodrich’s economic condition (i.e. attracting new businesses)? A council member should be appointed to the position of business liaison to meet monthly with business owners. An outreach program should be instituted to search out new businesses for the village.
Where do you stand on the need to hire a village manager?
I have been in contact with the Michigan Municipal League (MML) and have recommended to the council that we utilize their executive search program. They will locate qualified candidates for the council’s consideration.
Where do you stand on shared services with Atlas Township?
Many of these decisions will be outlined in the Plante & Moran report. If there is a financial benefit to do so without significantly affecting village services, it should be considered.
Where do you stand on keeping the current village DPW vs. utilizing Genesee County Road Commission?
Again, the benefits should be weighted against the quality of the services received. It is my understanding that Genesee County will no longer snow plow residential areas.