OHS students can earn college credits on-line

Students enrolling as freshmen at Oxford High School this fall will have the opportunity to earn up to 60 college credits by the time they graduate high school.
According to OCS Virtual Academy and Early College School Director Andrew Hulbert, Oxford has developed a partnership with Rochester and Oakland Community Colleges that will enable students to take college courses while still enrolled at Oxford High School.
The Early College program is a five-year course of study, with a combination of on-line and face-to face classes offered to all OHS students registered in grades 9-12.
Virtual courses will be offered for the younger students, with more traditional campus classes offered as students progress.
Hulbert likes the gradual admission option for freshman and sophomores because most students of this age are ‘not ready to be on a college campus.?
Students who enroll in the Early College option will remain Oxford students for a fifth year beyond the senior year.
This ?13th grade? will consist of a capstone experience which focuses on a year-long service-learning project.
The Early College program is open to all OHS students beginning in the fall of 2012. Students interested in the advanced college entrance courses should speak to the academic counselors.
For more information on the Early College program, contact Andrew Hulbert at drew.hulbert@oxfordschools.org.