Mens’ track

Friday, May 11th
OAA Red Division League Meet
Lake Orion 1st Place (179.33 points)
A week off was filled with rest and some quality workouts, culminating in some quality efforts by the Dragons. Lake Orion won 10 of the 16 events.
In the Long Jump, personal records were set by both Zach Arnold, (20?10?), and Alex Roberts, (20?5?), who took the first two places.
Alex Roberts, (first in the 300m hurdles), Michael Roberts, and Charlie Maurer swept the 110m hurdles.
The 800m Relay team of Corey Ester, (first in the 100m dash), Joe Deneau, Zach Arnold, and Nick Balavich, (first in the 400m dash), ran a season best time of 1:30.06 for first place.

Saturday, May 12th
Fenton 9th and 10th Grade Invitational
Lake Orion 1st Place (95.5 points)
The young Dragons only won two events, but depth really came through to provide enough points to win.
The two victories came in the 3200m relay, (Zac Seilkop, Ted Rydquist, Michael Bonnici, and Nick Lorant) and the 400m relay, (Adam Augustyniak, Justin Lambregste, Austin Taylor, and Matt Krause).

Tuesday, May 1st
Lake Orion 96.5 ? Stoney Creek 31.5
Senior Charlie Maurer was a double winner on this day, along with fellow senior Nick Balavich., but in different events then usual.
Charlie did win the 110m Hurdles, but then came back in the 400m Dash for his second victory of the meet. Nick, besides his relay wins, won the 200m dash and the high jump. Some other ‘firsts? included David Arenz ran the 1600m Run for the first time all season, taking second with a 4:34.1, Jake Sally returned from injury to take 2nd in the shot put, Niko Roukounakis taking 3rd in the 800m Run, Cory Stevenson 3rd in the Long Jump, and John Ryan taking 3rd in the 300m Hurdles.

Thursday, May 3rd – Pontiac 9th Grade Invitational
Lake Orion 76 points ? 3rd Place.
Though scoring in a lot of events, the Dragons only first place was by Matt Everts in the High Jump. Having gone 5?2? as his best previously, Matt cleared 5?6? for the victory. Matt Krause carried a load, taking 3rd in the 100m Dash, 3rd in the 200m Dash, and anchoring the 400m Relay to a 3rd place finish. Austin Taylor, Taylor Price, and Tanner Fraser comprised the rest of that relay. Alec Pryzbocki took 2nd in the 400m Dash, then anchored the 3rd place 1600m Relay. Josh Moats was 3rd in the 3200m Run, and the 3200m Relay team of Spencer Schwarze, Nick Wylin, John Morris, and Noah Reiber also finished in 3rd place.

The Men’s Track team completed the league portion of their schedule May 14, finishing second.? Highlights were the efforts for Alex Roberts, who won both hurdle events, establishing personal best times in both.? The 3,200 meter relay, the 800 meter relay, and the 400 meter relay teams all took home second places.? By virtue of their second and third place finishes in their respective events, Nick Balavich, (second place 400 meter), David Diaz, (second place 1,600 meter), Jake Lauka, (second place 3,200 meter), and Jeremy Nixon, (third place long jump), all acheived ‘All-League? status. The Mens? Track team will run again at a yet to be determined date when the runners begin regional finals.