Spray Masters ready for show

Davisburg’s water ski team, the Spray Masters, hosts a show promising fun and amazement for the whole family, 7 p.m., July 26.
This year’s theme is the circus. For those who have never attended one of their shows before, prepare to be surprised, said Brendan Kirchner, Spray Masters vice-president and 11-year skier.
‘Most people say they are blown away by what they see,? Kirchner said. ‘We do a lot of stuff that’s pretty challenging. Then you add in the fact we’re skiing while doing it and it just adds another whole level of complexity.?
‘It’s a fully themed show,” said Laura Wendt, skier and president of the Spray Masters. “There’s actually a story line to go with it.?
There are acts that take place on the water, skits and dancing on the shore, great music to go along with the show, and everyone wears costumes. Finally, the announcer for the show ties the whole thing together by narrating.
This is a special year for the Spray Masters as they celebrate their 25-year anniversary as a team.
Kathi Harris-Ritthaler, a release attendant and skier on the team, said her father, Bob Dowling, started the Spray Masters in winter of 1987.
“He wanted to build a family atmosphere everybody could be involved in. He wanted the opportunity for younger skiers to learn and experience the different arts of show skiing,? said Harris-Ritthaler.
The Spray Masters have definitely kept with this idea of a family atmosphere. There are a lot of families involved in the organization, and some even have four generations playing a role on the team.
Wendt also said it’s a good family sport because it’s not expensive. After paying the dues associated with water skiing, it amounts to about $200 per year. Also, skiers in the Spray Masters are not required to own their own equipment, which cuts costs even more.
Admission is $3 per person, children 2 and under free. All proceeds from admission go to Springfield Township Parks and Recreation.
The team is always looking for more families interested in skiing. There are no requirements to join, as they will teach you everything you need to know.
For more information about the Spray Masters or to see the schedule of all of ther events, visit their website www.spraymasters.wordpress.com.