Guest Column an opinion by Bill Kalmar: Change can be invigorating and energizing

Anyone who has attended a graduation party over the last couple of months know that for college bound students the change from high school to university level courses can be daunting and yet it also marks a complete change in educational experiences that can be refreshing.? Sometimes a complete break from the past re-energizes people and many times new ideas and goals emerge.
On August 7 we in Lake Orion have an opportunity to determine the road our community will travel. ‘Will it be the status quo with little opportunity for change or will it be a new slate of leaders ready to guide us through the challenges of a rapidly changing social and economic environment?? As with our new graduates it is a time for new ideas and goals to emerge.? For those reasons and for me personally I support a forward thinking administration and that is why I am voting for Chris Barnett and Mark Thurber for Township Supervisor and Treasurer respectively.
Both Chris and Mark are equally qualified and talented to lead Lake Orion into new directions with an emphasis on business development, something that has been woefully lacking over the last couple of years.? And more importantly both will provide the skill set to deal with the financial dilemma created with the opening and maintenance of the Orion Center.
So when you go to the polls on August 7 or when you submit your absentee ballot consider if you want our community to be stagnant and wallow in the past or if you want to raise the level of progress, institute new growth policies and make Lake Orion truly a place where ‘Living Is A Vacation!?? I vote for change with Barnett and Thurber because I want our community to regain its vitality!? Just like the graduates who are embarking on a new challenge, a new slate of leaders in Lake Orion will go a long way to restore the energy that has been missing.? A vote for Barnett and Thurber is the shot of energy and new directions we have been searching for!? So when you cast your vote, vote for the future and not the past!
Bill Kalmar
Former Director of the MQC