Letter to the Editor: Another vote for police

As I read the Letters to the Editor last week, I am forced to correct a resident’s issue of Home Occupancy as it pertained to a landscape company. April of last year it was our prior Supervisor Gibb, Trustee Steimel who also represents the Planning Commission, and Planning Commission Board Member Chris Barnett who convinced the Planning Commission Members to change the Home Occupation Ordinance.
Where were the residents concerns then, there were only two of us there trying to stop this home based business ordinance from allowing multiple employees and extra vehicles to work out of a residential area. They rewrote and approved the ordinance change and with their recommendation the Orion Board of Trustees approved the revisions to the ordinance. So now you have the issues at hand – perfect strangers working out of a residence opening up your neighborhood and exposing your children to God knows what. Even our Orion Township Chamber President was in favor of this. What was the message he sent to all the brick and mortar businesses that have to pay retail taxes and overhead? JoAnn Van Tassell had nothing to with this; it was your candidate Chris Barnett that did this to you.
Everyone needs to look back on these last few years and remember when voting, do you vote for an unknown with major backing from the cronyism coalition within the local GOP or the tried and true.
Vote YES on the Police and Fire Millage they are the only ones you can trust.
Joseph Geraci
Lake Orion resident