Many parties for 100th birthday celebration

Springfield Township resident Lucille Krause looked, as she would put it, ‘finer than frogs hair? as she celebrated her 100 birthday, July 27.
Krause has lived in Springfield Township since 1945 and has always been an active member in the community. She served as postmaster for over 20 years and as a clerk at the post office before that.
Now, even though she has been retired for 40 years, many members of the community still know her name as she is an active member of the Young at Heart Active Adults Group and plays cards regularly, among other things.
On July 26, the Young at Heart Active Adults Group put on a party for Krause, which was her fourth party to date. Krause said that it wouldn’t be the last, however, as she still had three more parties to attend over the weekend, one of which would be the biggest yet. The Hart community center was filled with friends and family who came to celebrate with her.
The party started off with Springfield Township Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant Sarah Richmond reading two poems to Krause, in which heartfelt sentiments such as ‘Your birthday should be a national holiday? were expressed and seconded by many.
Lunch followed along with a cake and candles, which when lit were so vibrant Krause remarked, ‘Where’s the fire extinguisher??
Happy Birthday was then sung and led by the Davisburg Mountain Jubileers Band. After that, they sang a song they wrote especially for Krause that was all about frogs in honor of her favorite saying.
Krause also received a number of gifts from her friends, most of which had to do with frogs. Two particularly special gifts were a pillowcase signed by everybody in the Young at Heart Active Adults Group and also a new bench in the Mill Pond Park with the inscription, ‘Lucille V. Krause, 2012 -100, Our Special Lady.?
If you would like more information about the Young at Heart Active Adults Groups, visit