Greetings Lake Orion

Howdy Lake Orionites!
My name is Lance Farrell. With the changing season and blowing leaves I arrive, taking over from Trevor Keiser. I’ll have big shoes to fill, though, as Mr. Keiser has left a high mark to meet. With your help, I’ll do my utmost.
Like Mr. Keiser, I’ll be covering township government, school board matters, and many other events around the township.
But when I’m not writing, editing, taking photos (or doing more writing still), you’ll find me up in Addison Township where I reside with my wife, pup and three cats.
We just moved up from Indiana, so we’ve got a lot to acclimate to yet. We’re still having difficulty with your so-called Michigan U-turns, and are anxious to experience our first Michigan winter.
Otherwise, the state has been very welcoming, and is a beautiful corner of the world. We’re glad to be here.
I’ve been paying close attentino to language for a number of years now, and have been working with newspapers since 2003. In addition to my time as professional journalist, I’ve also published many academic (i.e. boring) articles. Most recently, my time was occupied as an adjunct professor of English, where you’d find me explicating poems and leading young writers through their paces.
I continue to be charmed by sweet words, but am now moved to ply my abilities in the service of citizen-led democracy. My role among you is important, so I’ll do my best to serve your community as you continue to perfect our union.
To do my part, I’ll need you to do yours, so if you have any news tips, questions, or concerns, give me a call up here at the Lake Orion Review.