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Proposal 2

Dear Editor,
I am writing to clear up some misconceptions and outright lies about Proposal 2.
Strikes by public employees in Michigan are illegal ? PA 336; 1947. Proposal 2 reaffirms the authority of the state to enact laws prohibiting strikes by specifically stating so in the amendment.
All current teachers and newly hired teachers receive background checks conducted by the FBI. Prop 2 doesn’t change that. If an employee of a public school is charged with a crime, disclosure to the superintendent of the district is required under the Pupil Protection Act. Prop 2 does not change that either. Dismissal of convicted criminals from public education is required by state law, PA 129-131 and 138l 2005. This is not affected by Prop 2.
Most bus drivers in Michigan are now employees of private transportation companies, which is beyond the scope of collective bargaining ? PA 336;1947.
The claim that Prop 2 would eliminate safety standards for school bus drivers is also patently false. Federal and State of Michigan law make clear labor organizations cannot bargain about the licensing requirements.
In short, Proposal 2 has no impact on any of these legal safeguards that are being used to scare you into voting against this proposal. Why would any group lie to you about these important issues? Before you vote, at least know the facts.
Brooke Davis
Independence Township

No to Aliaga

Dear Editor,
It’s no surprise that Independence Township trustee candidate Jose Aliaga supports the hospital and development in Independence Township, his campaign finance report shows McLaren and its supporters donated to his campaign heavily. The senator who doesn’t represent us, Mike Kowall, and has been trying to foist the hospital onto the residents of this township was a contributor to Mr. Aliaga.
We suggest voters investigate Mr. Aliaga’s past and those who are supporting him before voting in November. Many of Mr. Aliaga’s supporters don’t reside in Independence Township. You will also find ties to McLaren officials, developers, and doctors who don’t live here. This should raise red flags as to who Mr. Aliaga will be working for. And it looks like it won’t be you and I.We want a trustee who represents us, not developers or hospitals. We suggest voters see for themselves. Campaign finance reports can be found on
When voting, ask yourself if you want Independence Township to be another overbuilt community like Auburn Hills or Rochester. A vote for Jose will give you that. Voters made a mistake in the August primary that can be corrected this November. Say ‘no? to Jose!
Michael and Lori Powell
Independence Township

Library bond

Dear Editor,
Remember Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, ‘lifting? from Encyclopedia Britannica and World Book, checking out an audio book to take on a trip? All free? Times have changed, and the way we use our library has too.
Nancy and the boys have been updated by Harry Potter. Information for reports is now online, and while audio books are now on CDs, some people are choosing E-books and E-audio books. They’re still free at the library, though. The Clarkston Independence District Library would like to keep it that way.
The library is constantly working to stay up to date. It offers computer classes, programs for children and teens, Notary services, and test proctoring for people doing long distance learning, special databases for electronic journal articles not found on your computer, and also resources for careers and small businesses. They would also like to expand language learning resources. Your vote for the library millage on Nov. 6 will help our library continue to be the kind of library our community deserves.
Oh yes, the library still has lots of books, free!
Carol and Gerald McNally

Library history

Dear Editor,
Every time I walk into the Independence Township Library, I am proud to see my name on the plaque along with Supervisor Tink Ronk, Treasurer John Lutz, Clerk Joan McCrary and trustees Jean Saile, Bruce Mercado, Dan Travis and Mel Vaara. Tink and Jean have passed on but their spirits remain forever with us.
We have a gem in this community under the superb leadership of Julie Meredith. We need to keep the high standards established from the beginning, 1992. Your support is necessary for investing in the future. We must continue to meet the needs of preschoolers, elementary, middle school, high school, college students, young adults, adults, and senior citizens. Your support is critical in the upcoming millage election.
Mel L. Vaara

Support for library

Dear Editor,
Independence Township is a first class community ? let’s make sure our library is a first class library!
On election day we have the chance to vote for the millage to bring our library up to the standards we all expect in this community. Our library has not asked for an increase since inception of the current millage and that has been many years. Everything is in place, a nice building, a good collection, a new and enthusiastic library board, so let’s complete the picture. Vote yes on the library millage, Nov. 6.
Joan McCrary
Independence Township

Lohmeier asks for vote

Dear Editor,
Hi neighbors! Four years ago you elected me to be your representative as Trustee on the Independence Township Board. I am extremely grateful for the confidence and trust you placed in me and I have endeavored at every turn to represent your needs will and provide leadership and good stewardship of our township resources and funds. I am proud that through much hard work in some of our toughest economic times, the state of our Township is better now than it was four years ago. A significant achievement given the challenges we faced.
I was born and grew up in North Oakland County. I attended Oakland University School of Engineering and then settled with my family in Clarkston where I have two daughters attending school. I have been married to the same wonderful woman for 23 years this August. Clarkston was our choice then and remains now my pick as the best place in Michigan to live. I also earned my MBA from the University of Detroit. I have strong logical and business training that I feel are critical for effective township leadership. I have participated in local government for years as a volunteer and an appointed official. Examples include chairman of the Planning Commission, and the Parks and Recreation Board, Wetland Review Board, chair of the Vision 20/20 Commercial use Task Force and more.
I ran for township trustee four years ago because I thought I could help do a better job at moving the township forward. Happily four years later we have been extremely successful. I led the difficult budgeting effort in my first year I office to right our financial ship. After cutting excessive waste from our budgets our finances are now in solid shape. Even with these cuts we have protected services like fire and police, maintained adequate financial resources and planned for the future.
As the only incumbent Trustee in this election I felt compelled to run for re-election to continue and complete the work we started in my last term. Since being elected I drafted our first Board Budget instituting solid cost cuts and tough decisions so that we would live within our means.
I drafted and we passed our first ever township asset management policy to prevent the continued inappropriate losses of township property through robust tracking and accountability. I created a plan for the first partnership for the township, schools and county in improving traffic safety through the use of tri-party funding costing the township nothing and providing great savings for the school system and improvements in road safety.
I rigorously pursed the recovery of wasteful spending of township money on bonuses and unapproved services. I negotiated are resolution to a standing fee dispute with Comcast that resulted in over $100K annually in revenues to the township cable operations and I helped fight for recovery of over $100K township money inappropriately spent on consultants without approval. I helped restore trust and confidence in our local government
There are several areas I think we should focus on going forward. First maintain the strong fiscal responsibility and controls initiated during my first term. Budgeting and expense management cannot return to the old way of doing things, where budgeting was a once a year activity and was an easy task with constantly rising revenues from always higher property values. In the current economy township Boards must be engaged and educated.
Independence Township has become the leader in this respect. Second we must maintain our commitment to emergency services ? no one can deliver the critical public safety services better than the local governments and our police and fire set the standard for effective sharing of resources. With new technology we need to take advantage of every tool we have to improve efficiency and response time. Finally we must build awareness outside of our community for appropriate development. Independence Township continues to be a great choice for both businesses and residents. Now that we are financially stable we must focus on attracting appropriate development and improving the tax base through marketing.
I want to thank those that have written in support of me and I want to thank you for allowing me the privilege of serving as your Trustee and I hope you’ll choose me to continue as your voice in local government.
David Lohmeier
Independence Township

Travis backs Lohmeier

Dear Editor,
Over the last 12-14 years I have worked with and come to know and appreciate the public service David Lohmeier has provided our township and our residents. First as a planning commissioner then as its chairman; he was re-elected numerous times by his peers. He was elected trustee for Independence Township during the last general election.
His business acumen is stellar. He is always well prepared and has researched the various issues and agenda items prior to the meetings. He offers insight, history, and concise analysis of those action items or discussion points. He has only the best interests of the township at heart. He looks well beyond the next meeting or meetings and has a competent grasp of the issues, the positives and otherwise. He has championed advance budgeting and preparedness for our shrinking property tax revenues.
If a constituent asks David a question, he responds promptly with an on point factual answer. The job description of trustee says it is a part-time position. The hours and energy David spends for us is far beyond a part-time job. He is not a politician; he is a public servant in the very best sense of the word. I urge the voters of Independence Township to help me re-elect David Lohmeier trustee.
Dan Travis
Independence Township

Support for Schroeder

Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my support of Andrea Schroeder for Independence Township trustee.
For more than five years, I have admired Andrea’s exceptional intelligence, her desire to seek understanding prior to acting upon opinion, and her ability to develop plans of action which bring interested parties together to produce tangible results.
Andrea is very articulate and seemingly inexhaustible. I believe Andrea is one of the highest quality individuals living in our township and am thankful she is willing to undertake the role of township trustee.
Cheryl McNeil
Independence Township

A point about the library

Dear Editor,
One major clarification to the article, at least for the taxpayers in the City of the Village of Clarkston (“One step closer to District Library,” July 11).
While Independence Township residents will only see a .559 mills tax increase if the District Library millage is approved, city residents will see the full 1.25 mills or at least be giving their elected officials the authority to increase our taxes by that amount.
While the present council stated that it was their “intent” to roll back taxes if this is approved, they are under no obligation to do so and can raise city taxes by the full 1.25 mills without any public approval other than this vote.
They have been charging the maximum legally allowable tax rate for many years and I see no reason why they will not continue to do so since they approve the maximum tax rate before ever discussing or establishing a budget.
To make matters worse, it is possible that if enough people in the Township vote in favor of this, the full 1.25 mills could be levied against city taxpayers no matter how they vote while township residents pay only the .559 mill increase.
Vote on the library based on whether you are for or against this proposal but understand what it will cost you and who may be making the decision on your taxes no matter how you vote.
Cory Johnston

Support for Kittle

Dear Editor,
I have been an Oakhurst resident since 1998. I have seen my share of Homeowner Association presidents come and go, but the one we have now, Pat Kittle, has really made a difference. Since Pat took over in 2009, he has managed to control runaway expenses, balance our budget, build our Capital Reserves for road repairs, keep residents informed about issues in the community, seek advice from residents on key matters before spending decisions are made, and still make time to help our neighbors.
Just the other day, I spotted Pat repairing a mailbox for an elderly neighbor woman in 90+ degree heat. As a real estate professional with 25+ years of business experience, I can tell you firsthand that having a financially sound homeowner’s association and township is important for people looking to move into a new community.
Pat’s philosophy for running the Oakhurst Association is pretty simple – manage like it’s your own money. This philosophy coupled with his business experience, leadership and communication skills makes Pat an ideal candidate for Independence Township supervisor. If you want to have a say in the Independence supervisor election, you must vote on Aug. 7. With only Republican candidates for supervisor on the ballot, the winner of the primary will go unopposed in November. Vote for Pat Kittle.
Donna McDonald, resident and realtor
Independence Township

Wallace has experience

Dear Editor,
Electing Neil Wallace as Independence Township supervisor is the next logical step for him and for our community.
In the 1980’s he joined me on the township Planning Commission. After seeing him in action for a year, we commissioners unanimously elected him our chair and re-elected him to the position four more years in a row until he left to pursue other volunteer interests in the community.
As our chair, Neil was a fair and responsible leader who persuaded us to tackle reexamining the entire land use Master Plan.
He led us in balancing the need for a robust tax base to support the schools with a desire to create and maintain a quality residential community.
Then in the 1990’s, Neil joined me on the Township Board as a trustee. He was characteristically creative and energetic. Although he chose not to run for re-election in 2000, he remained active in the community and provided me and other board members wise free counsel.
In 2008, Neil was again elected to the Township Board. He walked into the most difficult economic time in our recent history only to find we were void of leadership at the top. Neil stepped into that gap devoting his time and energy well beyond what is expected of a trustee.
Since the beginning of this year, Neil has been chairing the township board meetings, showing everyone the thoughtful, balanced leadership we need. The next step is obvious: we need to elect Neil our Independence Township supervisor.
Dan Travis
Independence Township

Fischbach for Springfield

Dear Editor,
As a small business owner in Springfield Township for 33 years, it’s important to me that we have a strong leader in the supervisor’s office. I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Ginny Fischbach and I believe she would make an excellent supervisor for Springfield Township.
Ginny grew up in a farming community where her family is still actively running family farms, so she understands and embraces the rural nature of our community and the importance of protecting our unique natural resources. She also understands the role of local business in the community. With an Engineering degree and an MBA, she has spent her career working as an engineer in private industry where she developed the skills we need in our next supervisor. Ginny is straightforward, logic driven, and an experienced leader of people.
I think it is time for change in Springfield Township. I encourage everyone to vote Aug. 7 and help our community move forward by electing Ginny Fischbach Springfield Township’s next supervisor.
Tom Lowrie
Springfield Township

Family insight on Decker

Dear Editor,
My name is Alexandrea Decker and my father Jeffrey Decker is currently running for Independence Township clerk. With my Dad not being in the political spectrum before, I thought it important to write you and give the people of Independence Township insight about him.
The township clerk acts as the historian of a community. Luckily for the community, this is the type of characteristic my father already possesses. He is a history buff who can see the beauty in our local community history and who wishes to restore the type of pride people in the mid-1800s had for their flourishing township.
Back then, land was priceless and people had a good sense of what to do with what land they had. My father’s many years of experience doing real-estate and appraisal work in the community gives him that upper-hand that is needed when looking at the opportunities the township has in the land and local businesses.
As a single dad, he is the hardest worker I know and he gives more than he has ever taken. During my years in the Clarkston school district, he never missed a football or basketball game and he still continues to go to them even after I have graduated. He always knew every player and manager by name, giving students the sense of self-worth they needed.
My dad has organizational skills I strive to use in my own life. When given a task, he works overtime to get things done in a professional manner so that nothing is done carelessly. While doing so, he can complete those tasks under deadlines and in stressful situations. Throughout my life I have watched my Dad juggle work, make it to all of my school events, coach teams and volunteer while still having the time for his family.
Jeff Decker would make an excellent clerk. He appreciates what this community has to offer and wants to see it flourish. With his organizational skills and speaking abilities he would get Independence Township back on track.
Alexandrea Decker
Clarkston High School Class of 2009