Senior kickers lead team in Farmington win

The Wolves closed their last week of the regular season with two wins.
They ended with a win over Rochester on Friday, 3-1.
“They played pretty well,” said Clarkston Boys Varsity Soccer Coach Chuck Lawhorn.
Senior goalkeeper Harry Smith stayed in the net during the first half. He took to the field during the second half and scored the first goal of his varsity career.
“It was nice Harry got to score a goal,” Lawhorn added. “It was nice to get him in the game.”
Sophomores Ben Snider and Joey DeFinis added the other two goals leading the Wolves to victory.
The boys beat Farmington on Oct. 9 as they hosted Senior Night for the five seniors.
Senior Jordan Keift put the boys on the board less than two minutes into the game.
The Falcons tied the score with 26:26 left in the first half off a corner kick.
Clarkston had an opportunity to come back into the lead after being awarded a penalty kick.
Senior Jon Miller lined up the ball on the field and took his shot, placing it in the left corner of the net with 12:08 left in the half.
The Wolves added more cushion in the score seven minutes later.
Sophomore Jimmy Todd passed the ball to junior Brad Schultz. Schultz ran past Farmington defenders for the ball then ran in front of the net before taking his shot. The ball went in the net and put the boys, 3-1.
The second half remained scoreless for both teams as the Wolves outshot the Falcons 4-1, totalling nine shots on net for the game.
“We went into the week knowing we had to work on a few things,” said Lawhorn. “We had to work on possession, passing and taking more shots on net. We accomplished that with nine shots against Farmington.”
He added sophomore Grant Gotaas and senior Ryan Mangapora had a great week.
The Wolves started the week with the first round of MHSAA Districts on Tuesday against Davision.
“They play some tough games,” said Lawhorn. “They have covenant opponents. They lost a few guys from last year. We are lucky to have the game at home which helps us a little bit being comfortable in our own surroundings. We still have to go out there and execute during the game and the boys are prepared to do that.”
He added he had starters play for the first 15-20 minutes in both halves during Rochester’s game and pulled players from the bench.
“We were making sure everyone stayed healthy before districts,” Lawhorn said. “It was also important to get my other guys in there and get them as much time as possible to make sure they are prepared. You never know when you are going to be called on in districts.”
If they win the first round of districts they will head off against Lake Orion on Thursday.
“We beat them earlier this year,” Lawhorn said. “It will be tough. They are a solid team.”
He added everyone on the team will have to contribute this week and they take a lot of shots on the net.
“Early in the season we didn’t take a lot of shots,” he said. “The last couple weeks we have been taking a lot more shots on net. We have to continue to do that.”
The winner moves on to the finals on Saturday at Oxford High School, 10 a.m.
“The guys know districts are tough – it is a win or go home situation,” said Lawhorn.
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