Letter to the editor – Farmers? Market was a huge success

Dear Editor,
It is with much gratitude to the Lake Orion community that I wrap up our 4th season of the downtown Lake Orion Farmers? Market!
I appreciate the overwhelming support of the municipalities that approve and oversee our market, including the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority, Lake Orion Village Council and the Orion Township Board of Trustees.
Special thanks to our wonderful vendors who provided the best in locally grown goods week after week, and who continue to see downtown Lake Orion as a viable marketplace for their delectable goods.
Our community support was better than ever, with countless regulars coming to visit and shop every week! It was a real pleasure getting to know so many of you by name; listening to your suggestions for improvements will continue to make our market better each season.
A big shout out to a few of our local business owners who were also some of our best customers ? thanks for completing the circle of local supporting local. You’re the best!
Kudos to Lauren Dinneweth of the Orion Art Center and her wonderful staff for providing free weekly crafts to our area children during the summer months. It was great to see the kids having their own fun while their parents were shopping. And finally, a warm thank you to all the volunteers who worked at the market, whether for a few hours or week after week ? especially The Oakland County Master Gardener’s, Gleaner’s Food Bank and Lake Orion High School volunteers.
We are exploring some changes to the market for next year, so if you have any thoughts, or if you are considering how you can be a part of the success next year, please contact the DDA Office.
Janet Hartman
Lake Orion Farmers Market Manager