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Attracting business to Independence Township was a top priority to all the candidates at the League of Women Voters? debate, Oct. 22.
‘There’s no silver bullet,? said Republican trustee candidate David Lohmeier who pointed out the ‘planning commission and appropriate zoning is critical? for business growth.

Democrat candidates Kevin Bushroe and Joe Wauldron said developing rail transportation would improve road congestion, while Democrat Jeremy Mitchell felt putting bike racks in front of businesses would encourage cycling instead of driving.

The three Democrats debated Republican candidates Lohmeier, Ron Ritchie, and Jose Aliaga. Republican candidate Andrea Schroeder did not participate.

If elected, Mitchell said he would ‘nurture and grow home-based businesses.?
Wauldron voiced concern about the empty buildings along Dixie Highway but also pointed to new businesses on the way such as a grocery store on White Lake Road and the McLaren hospital.

Every candidate supported the ballot proposal for a 1.25 mill rate for the library, and they all felt fracking should not occur in Independence Township.