Orion Library makes some noise

Even though we’ve always been told to use our inside voices when in a library, the Orion Township Public Library sure is making a lot of noise this year.
If you’re curious about the science of bubble gum, want a sense of how our cooking has been influenced by our geography, or understand what makes music the universal language, then the Family Reading & Science Workshops might the ticket for you.
To begin on Jan. 12, the Orion Township Public Library, in partnership with the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History, will look at culture, biology and the human experience in a series of workshops designed for children ages 6-11.
To tie in with the Understanding Race Project and the traveling exhibition ‘RACE: Are we so different?? (Feb-June 2013), the Library will explore how biology, anthropology, physics, geography and chemistry all play a part in race and culture.
Workshops begin Jan. 12. The first in the series is ‘What Makes Us Different? What Makes Us the Same? Exploring the Biology Behind our Differences and Similarities.?
This will be followed on Feb 2 by a culinary workshop called ‘Everybody Cooks: Exploring How Geology & Human Migration Influenced Food.?
On March 2, the library will host ‘Can You Feel the Beat: Exploring What Makes Music the Universal Language.?
Next in the series is a Discovery Day Field Trip. On March 23, buses will take families to the University Of Michigan Museum ff Natural History for a free Discovery Day at the Museum.
The library brings the workshops to a close with a close look at a rather sticky matter. On April 27, young scientists can discover ‘The Science of Bubble Gum.?
Once that bubble pops, the Orion Township Library turns its attention to a more serious American institution: the Civil War.
‘Let’s Talk About It: Making Sense of the American Civil War? is a five-part reading series. Orion is one of 65 public libraries who received a grant to host the series. The series was developed by the American Library Association in conjunction with the National Endowment for the Humanities.
‘We are delighted to have been chosen to host this unique series,? said Karen Knox, Director of the Orion Township Public Library.
The Civil War series is scheduled as follows.
*Jan. 29 -Imagining War
*Feb 13 – Choosing Sides
*Feb 26 -Making Sense of War
*March 9 -The Shape of War
*March 20 ‘War and Freedom
Knox said the series ‘will allow patrons a chance to discuss the legacy of the Civil War with fellow community members and with the help of a well-qualified scholar.?
Books to be discussed are March, a novel by Geraldine Brooks; by James McPherson Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam, a historical account of the pivotal battle in which 6,000 soldiers were killed; and the anthology America’s War: Talking About the Civil War and Emancipation on Their 150th Anniversaries.
The program is free and open to all adults. Kits with information about the program and the books to be discussed are available at the Adult Reference desk.
In addition to the five-part discussion series, members of the Civil War re-enactment group the 24th Michigan Volunteer Infantry will present a program for all ages about Michigan’s participation in the American Civil War and what civilian life was like during wartime. Actual Civil War artifacts as well as reproductions will be available for viewing. This program will take place on Saturday, February 16th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
The Orion Township Public Library is located at 825 Joslyn Road. For more information, please visit orionlibrary.org or call 248-693-3002.