What is love and how do you show it?

The Citizen asked second grade students in Kristen Bowers? class at Oakwood Elementary the question, ‘What is love and how do you show it??
‘Love is liking your brother. I show love by being nice to my cousins. One of them gave me Iron Armor and Minecraft.? Evan
‘Love is hugging and being friendly. I show love by going to people that I know and hugging them.? Billy
‘Love is hugs and kisses and romance. I show love by giving hugs and kisses.? Aidan
‘Love is when you love someone with all your heart. I show love by hugging, making a card just for them, showing that I love them.? Galilea
‘Love is caring, hearts, being nice and hugging. You show love by giving a kiss to your Mom and Dad.? Nadrea
‘Love is when you hug anyone. It is a kiss on the cheek. It’s about loving each other. I love my family.? Brooklyn
‘Love is hugs and kisses and love is spending time with your family. You show love by giving and loving and helping and sharing.? Kendall
‘Love is where you hug and kiss someone. Love is being nice to other people.? Isabella
‘Love is romance. Love is from your heart. Love is good for you. You show love by having a baby, by giving them a special gift.? Seth
‘Love is giving hugs. You show love by giving presents.? Alex
‘Love is someone you love more than you. I show love by playing with a friend or your Mom or Dad or hugging or kissing.? Caitlin
‘Love is romance. Love is from your heart. Love never ends. Love is true. Love is good for you. You show love by kissing that person, by being really special, by giving a card or present to them, also by being a special person.? Jada
‘Love is hugging and caring. Showing love is doing laundry, doing dishes, giving and making cards for people.? Demitrius
‘Love is hugs and kisses. I show love by giving people hugs and a kiss.? Noah
‘Love is when you have a brother or a sister and you love them because they are your family. I show love by hugging and kissing on the cheek.? Alicia
‘Love is X’s and O’s. I show love by doing what my Mom and Dad tell me to do.? Elizabeth
‘Love is when people get married. I show love by hugging Mom and Dad.? Brady
‘Love is caring about each other and being with each other. You show love by hugging and caring and kissing and giving your friends and people things.? Nathan
‘Love is when you love your sister. I show love by hugging and kissing.? Jadyn
‘Love is X’s and O’s. I show love by hugging and kissing my Mommy and Daddy and saying, ‘I love you, Mom and Daddy.?? Bianca
‘Love is a heart from your mind. Love is beautiful and sweet. How I show love is on Valentine’s Day I give a card, hugging my family and kissing my family. Do you like love?? Emma
‘Love is nice. Love is romance. Love is beautiful. You show love by saying, ‘I love you.? Hug. Just love.? Gwendelen
‘Love is hugs and when you fall off your bike and your parents give you a Band-Aid. When your aunt gives you kisses on the cheek, this is love.? Summer
‘Love is a heart with joy and kissing. You show love by giving people some hearts for Valentine’s Day.? Matt L.
‘Love is when you show respect to others. You show love by being super nice to someone.? Riley
‘Love is someone who you like more than yourself. You show love by giving a hug and a kiss and showing that. Also, love can be a heart on a drawing and then be given to whoever it was made for, acting so sweet to show them that you love them.? Taylor
‘Love is a hug. I show love by xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo…? Ashley