Lettes to Editor: Raving Rush’s Royal Oak rant results in reader revolt

I’m sorry Mr Rush had such an awful time in Royal Oak, where I have lived the past twenty years.
I’m sorry that parking meters–which are also in Birmingham, as well as just about every suburb in our area–are so alien to him. I’m sorry he thinks that charging him $25 for a $10 parking ticket he decided he didn’t deserve is somehow unfair, despite the fact the rules are clearly printed there.
I’m sorry neither Mr Rush nor anyone else in family (apparently) has a smartphone, as there are several parking garages–some of which offer the first two hours’ parking for free–which would have provided an alternative to a parking meter.
So, meanwhile, I went on to Yelp to find a nice, upscale restaurant in Oxford. There are lots of $ and $$-rated casual dining establishments ? some of which are apparently quite good ? but if I want a swell night out, I’m apparently out of luck. I guess you do need to get out and about for fine dining, which Royal Oak has in abundance.
I would also love to see one of these coin changers which must be so prevalent in his neck of the woods, as I have never seen them anywhere but laundromats and the Detroit People Mover. They’re not in Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge, or Birmingham, either.
Next time you venture far from the comfort of your home, Mr Rush, try doing a little research (rather like I did, looking for a restaurant in Oxford). And if you break the law ? parking or otherwise ? don’t assume you are somehow above it.
Adam Bernard

Dear RO Hater aka: Mr. Don Rush:
Let me get this straight. It’s Royal Oaks’ fault that you can’t read a watch? I’m sure the restaurant would’ve given you change. Did you ask? Probably not from the outcome. Did you know that Birmingham also has parking meters?
I’m sure you don’t want Money for writing this article? That would make you just as greedy as our city, right? Your article is surrounded by Advertisements to make money for your paper. I don’t know how your “perfect” city makes money, but it doesn’t run on air.
You also ended up getting a ticket because you didn’t keep track of time, then it cost you more because you didn’t pay it by the due date. Hmmmm… It may be time to invest in a watch and a calendar.
Happy to live in Royal Oak, Sue

I’ve never written to a paper before but I saw a column by Mr. Rush on Facebook about Royal Oak and I felt as though I needed to comment.
I just find it weird that a guy can use space in your paper to knock another city when most of what he is complaining about was his own fault.
Why is Royal Oak to blame for the amount of money he chose to spend on an Italian dinner and tickets to see Ghosthunters? Yes, there is metered parking but be chose to not feed the meter, again that’s on him. Then he tops it all off by not paying his ticket on time and he has to pay more . . . Because of his night of stupid decisions and because he works for a paper it lows him to just bash another city?
I don’t complain about driving to Clarkston for $12 Mac-N-Cheese. It’s my choice. If I got a ticket on the way because I was speeding to get there, how would that be Clarkston’s fault? I guess I’m just ticked that in this day and age a guy can turn that garbage in and it gets printed.
With all the other things that can be talked about…… I mean at least have merit to the bashing.
Have him write a column about how the Emagine theater in Royal Oak is a pot-infested hangout for Detroit thugs and gang members on Fridays and Saturdays, then I will agree. But his rant just made him look like a dummy.
Joe Yerke

Don “Don’t Rush Me” Rush was sure in a hurry to make a complete nincompoop of himself in this (column). Like most driving adults, I expect certain things when I am using my automobile. For example, I expect to occasionally come to a red light, or stop for a train. Similarly, I also expect to have to pay for parking during the week– especially in mid-size cities located in metro-Detroit. Don Rush, however, does not.
Maybe he has lived some great life of privilege or fantasy, where the toilet paper is silken, beer flows from drinking fountains, and parking is always free. Or maybe he’s just an entitled whiner.
Perhaps that’s what Sherman Publications needs to attract an audience; poor writing with utterly no content. If that is the case, well, you have bigger fish to fry than just one awful writer.
When you tell your readers that you spent $400 on dinner but continue to lament over the quarters you wasted on parking, well, perhaps Don should look into fundamental money management practices.
Or maybe he should stay clear of Royal Oak. He labels the city as money-grubbing and haughty, but the only one I see condescending here is Mr. Rush.
Don Rush, must have been in quite the rush to exemplify himself as a hypocritical buffoon.
Stay out of our city, Don Rush.
The People of Royal Oak

I had to respond to the very irresponsible (column) of your writer Don Rush.
To tell people in his own words to not “go to Royal Oak” is beyond ridiculous. What his rant boils down to is basically a childish whine, placing blame on the city for his forgetting to bring change.
Don, we are not the only local city to charge for parking in our downtown area. Birmingham (which he specifically mentions and has much higher taxes) charges for parking. This not an uncommon thing. In fact…Ferndale, Detroit, Rochester, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Mount Pleasant, Traverse City, Grand Rapids (just to name a few) ALL charge for parking in their downtown areas.
I understand that in this day and age a night out is expensive. However, you chose to attend that show and eat at that restaurant. You may not have chosen to pay for parking, but I will share with you a little lesson I tell my 4 year old, ‘sometimes in life we don’t get to choose. Some things just are, and the best you can do is be prepared and have a good attitude.?
So next time, you are planning an extravagant night out; factor in the parking, coat check, valet or any other possible hidden fees. Then $2 in change for a meter won’t be what ruins your $400 night.
As for the upcharge for your ticket, my only response is, next time pay it on time.
Some things beyond parking to consider about Royal Oak.
According to a survey conducted this year by Area Vibes, Royal Oak was ranked the number one city in Michigan to live in. Their basis was cost of living, crime, education, employment and housing.
Also, homes here have appreciated 15.6% in the last year, while unemployment has dropped to 4%. 6.3% is the national average
Royal Oak also boasts the best-ranked Hospital in Michigan, William Beaumont.
The Happy and Proud Royal Oak Resident Robin Goldberg