School board elects new officers

When it came time to vote for new officers for the Oxford School Board, President Jim Reis let it be known he wasn’t interested in being nominated for any position.
‘I would like to just be a trustee this time around,? Reis said.
First up was the presidency. Dan D’Alessandro received a nomination from board Secretary Mark Stepek, while Trustee Mike Schweig nominated Trustee Kim Shumaker.
Stepek said he nominated D’Alessandro because of his ‘passion for the school district.?
‘I just really see it in Dan. He really, really cares. Seeing him in the middle of the week during football season, out there driving a tractor back and forth across the turf to get it ready for the football game is just one example,? Stepek said. ‘I just think he really cares about this school district. I think that to be in the position of president, as caring and as passionate as he is, that is going to be an important trait.?
Schweig nominated Shumaker for her ‘experience.?
‘She’s taken all the classes that they have (through the Michigan Association of School Boards) or pretty near all of them,? Schweig said. ‘I think she’s exhibited the expertise in terms of knowledge and leadership.?
D’Alessandro won the presidency on a 5-2 vote. Schweig and Trustee Joyce Brasington were the dissenters. At that point Reis handed the gavel over to D’Alessandro.
‘You aren’t going to finish (this meeting)? D’Alessandro asked. ‘No,? replied Reis, whose answer drew a laugh from the crowd.
For vice president, then-Vice President Carol Mitchell nominated Secretary Mark Stepek to take over the position.
‘I nominated Mark because he is very dedicated to furthering the education (through MASB) concerning the board,? Mitchell said. ‘He’s already completed his Step 1, which is pretty impressive in one year.?
‘I like the fact that we have a ‘legal eagle? that can advise you,? she added. ‘There are a few times this year we’ve needed that and he would be a good one to advise.?
Brasington nominated Shumaker for vice president.
‘I nominated Kim just because of her years of experience on the board and all the classes she’s taken and level of expertise she has gained and just her experience working with the subcommittees,? Brasington said.
Shumaker won the nomination on a 4-3 vote. Reis, Mitchell and Stepek voted no.
And like Reis, Mitchell gladly handed over her position to Shumaker.
For secretary, Reis nominated Stepek and Shumaker was in support.
‘I am very highly supportive of Mark as secretary and my reason for that is because he has shown a demonstrative commitment to classes and learning for board membership,? she explained. ‘That’s something I highly value and I’ve also seen when Mark maybe has a particular stance on something, he really listens and I’ve seen him demonstrate the ability to have consensus and that’s something I really value in him.?
Stepek received a 7-0 vote for secretary.
For treasurer, Mitchell nominated Schweig.
‘I know you want to be a trustee, but with this being my last year, I’d like to fade out with being a trustee,? she said. ‘And I think it would be important for him to take on a role as an officer.?
Shumaker agreed he’d be good for the position. ‘Mike has a ton of passion. Finances are something you have delved into and I feel like you have a good handle on it and would do a great job,? she said to Schweig.
Schweig received a 7-0 vote for the treasurer position. Stepek was once again named ‘Board Spokesperson? on a 7-0 vote.