What should the Village of Oxford do to improve?

• “Disband. We don’t need the extra layer of government. You are doing a fine job and it is not personal. You are just costing us too much to justify.”
• “Become a city, lose the township.”
• “Safe pedestrian crossing on M-24. Additional downtown parking.”
• “Improve street and sidewalk conditions.”
• “Fill up the downtown shops, fix parking and provide more parking. More crosswalks across Lapeer Rd.”
• “Keep control of the fire department, expand the park facilities, become a city and build the Polly Ann Trail bridge to connect the two sides of town.”
• “Try to look more like Rochester; it would be great if it had the appeal of the new village shopping center in Rochester.”
• “The neighborhood streets need curbs and gutters to improve their appearance, the village and township need to cooperate. I do not like paying legal fees to both governments to disagree with each other.”
• “More recreation for 10-25 year olds.”
• “Need to upgrade downtown with charming shops, promote past heritage and many years of history. New buildings should be in keeping with the existing structures, (example) the new theater doesn’t fit.”
• “Forget cityhood. Too costly and could raise taxes without our vote. Seriously investigate becoming one township – dissolve village. One township, one tax. One set of officials. Not necessarily the township officials. Merge into one entity – more efficient for all, less bickering – less competition between two governments. Think of the people – we could all benefit. I am tired of paying two sets of taxes, as are many others I’ve talked to.”
• “Add more retail businesses to its downtown area, including restaurants and bars. Work on the bad traffic situation on Lapeer Rd.”
• “Please add gardens along the downtown sidewalks. Also, please continue to investigate the possbility of rerouting or slowing down M-24 traffic.”