Letters to the Editor July 6, 2024

Amman for Busch, Major, Varacalli
I support current interim Atlas Township Supervisor Jim Busch, he’s fair minded; approachable; hard-working; dedicated and intelligent.
I support incumbent Trustee Patrick Major who brings leadership, logic and common sense to decision-making; assures continuity/stability as new people fill open government positions.
I support trustee candidate Mike Varacalli, a business owner who brings youthful energy to government. As a Master Plan contributor he stated, “I love Atlas Township, I wouldn’t change a thing!” Mike, Lisa and family members own three 10-acre parcels and are making Atlas Township their forever home.
These candidates will stand their ground against growth pressures. They enjoy country living and are dedicated to keeping it that way.
Regards, Paul Amman
Atlas Township

Adamec for trails, Busch, Sasser
We have some great recreational trails in our township, and thanks to the devoted pathways millage that we Atlas-Goodrich residents passed a few years ago, those trails are still growing. That millage is coming up for a renewal on the Atlas ballot in August. Please remember to vote to continue building accessible recreational trails. Outdoor physical activity and connectivity is so important for all of us !
Also on the ballot are all of the elected board positions for Atlas Township.  Jim Busch, our interim supervisor, is running to retain his seat. Jim has been involved in the community for years, and has recently worked on a grant via Genesee County, to hopefully fund and create a local senior citizen program. We local senior volunteers will coordinate and run the program. Please vote for Jim in the supervisors position to continue to serve our community.
Traci Sasser currently serves as the Village of Goodrich secretary since forever, and has tons of governing and community knowledge. She is running for Atlas Township Trustee, and could help bring our two units of government closer together. I have worked with Traci over the years and highly recommend a vote for her.
Our votes power our community. We cannot control every decision in our community, but we can vote to put the best people we can into those offices on the Aug. 6 ballot.
Thank you
Angie Adamec

Irvin for Yuchasz
I am writing to express my strong support for Cris Yuchasz’s candidacy for Groveland Township Supervisor. Having served for and alongside Cris during his tenure as a distinguished sergeant at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, I can attest to his exemplary leadership, dedication, and unwavering commitment to public service.
Cris’ extensive experience in law enforcement, coupled with his diverse background in various areas of the field, uniquely qualifies him for the role of supervisor. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a deep understanding of community needs and has worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of residents.
Carrie Irvin
Groveland Township

Loughlin for Yuchasz
I support of Cris Yuchasz for Groveland Township Supervisor in the Aug. 6 primary election. I have lived in the township for 31 years and have known Cris for 25 years. Cris served for 12 years on the Brandon Board of Education and participated in multiple superintendent searches. His vast experience on the board and his strong work ethic are assets that will complement him well as supervisor.
Cris has been spending time to prepare for this position. He has met with current Supervisor, Bob DePalma, on multiple occasions to ask questions and gain insight into what the job requires.
Robin Loughlin
Groveland Township

Lapp for Rumball
I’m writing to support our current Brandon Township Supervisor, Jayson Rumball, in his bid for re-election. Having served as the Brandon Township Supervisor for eight years and as a Trustee I understand the inner workings of township government and the complexities of the job. Rumball is and will continue to provide outstanding leadership, open communication and fiscal responsibility to the position of supervisor.
Rumball is a lifetime member of our community, active in our schools, civic organizations and well educated, possessing his law degree. I urge you to support Rumball in his bid for re-election to this important position. His current and past performance warrants our support.
Ronald Lapp
Brandon Township

Salter for Bills
Re-Elect Theresa Bills for Groveland Township Treasurer.  She is extremely proficient, conscientious and articulate.  Groveland, please vote Bills and keep her as our treasurer.  She is about being positive, hardworking and improving our township.  Especially when it comes to being fiscally responsible.
Bills is very involved with the community especially with the Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance.  I have seen firsthand how she cares about our kids, and how they can improve themselves. We need more people who have her character.
We need more people like Bills in our township government.  Vote Bills for Groveland Township Treasurer on Aug. 6.
Diane and Scott Salter
Groveland Township

Wills for Rumball
As a lifelong Brandon Township and Village of Ortonville resident, I’ve seen several supervisors come and go over six decades. I am supporting Incumbent Township Supervisor Jayson Rumball for re-election in the upcoming Aug. 6 primary election. I humbly ask that you consider doing so as well.
Rumball has made gains in gravel road improvements; Instituted and is enforcing, heavy truck weight restrictions; strengthening the Township Parks & Recreation Department and continuing the development of the Brandon Township Community Park; Improving the cooperation between the township building and fire department and supporting implementation of a community sewer system.
Wayne Wills

McArthur for Rumball
Jayson Rumball has shown in several ways that he has the ability, desire and leadership skills to be the man we need as Supervisor of Brandon Township.
He has always been that person who wanted to make things better for his family, employees and community.
Along with the Fire Chief they have created a Building Department and Fire Marshal position that properly serves all residents at a cost savings.
With his background of four years as Supervisor he is more than qualified to serve our taxpayers of Brandon Township.
Robert McArthur
Retired Fire Chief

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