Addison library to shut down Oct. 1 for big move

Moving day is fast-approaching for the Addison Township Public Library and three things are still needed ? volunteers, boxes and dollies.
‘Fortunately, it isn’t a very long distance to go,? said Library Director Jaema Berman. ‘We’ve put a call out for volunteers and we have several people who have offered to help us box up and move all of our books and DVDs.?
Located next door to the Addison Township hall in Lakeville, the library will close down on Saturday, Oct. 1 and re-open on Saturday, Oct. 15 in its new 3,000-square-foot space just across the parking lot in the Lakeville Towne Square strip mall. There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 10 a.m.
The library’s new address is 1400 Rochester Rd.
Berman is anticipating the move ‘should go pretty smoothly.?
‘We’ll probably take a week to move and then a week to set up,? she said. ‘It may not take the entire two weeks, but we have so much to do and set up. If we’re ready sooner, it gives us a chance to really fine tune all the components and make sure we’re set for the public.?
Volunteers who have helped make the new library a reality will be given special preview of the facility on Friday, Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m.
Berman is astounded at how well this whole process has gone thus far.
‘It’s been amazing,? she said. ‘Considering all the things that could have gone wrong, we’ve had very few snags. I’d say we’ve been very lucky. We’re really appreciative of all the people in the community who have stepped up to help us.?
The director is happy to report that it appears the new library project will come in under budget.
‘We’re very pleased with that,? she said.
Originally, $60,000 was earmarked for demolition, remodeling, furnishing and moving. However, a combination of volunteer labor, donations, discounts and bargain shopping are bringing the project in below the estimated cost.
During the two weeks the library is closed, the drop box for the return of books and other materials will remain open and available 24-7.
‘We’ll be checking it daily,? Berman said.
Berman noted that for ‘people who have books on hold, we’re suggesting they select an alternate library for pick up.?
‘They can choose Oxford or other libraries in our (interloan) system,? she said.
Those who wish to volunteer their time during the moving process or donate some boxes and dollies are asked to please call the library at (248) 628-7180.
To learn more about the library, please visit