Armed robbery at village apt. complex

A woman was robbed at gunpoint Nov. 1 while inside her residence at Village Manor Apartments off Pontiac St., according to Oxford Village Police.
Police are looking for three men ? two Caucasian and one African-African ? who are believed to be responsible for the robbery, which was reported around 11:55 a.m.
According to Police Chief Mike Neymanowski, it appears the woman was acquainted with one of the men and that’s why she ‘buzzed? them into the apartment building.
‘One was armed with a dark handgun and demanded her purse,? he said.
She surrendered her purse and the trio allegedly fled the scene in a black Volkswagen or Volvo from the early 1990s, according to the chief. They were last seen headed south on Pontiac St. Anyone with any information regarding this crime is asked to please call the village police at (248) 628-2525. ? CJC