Bouchard, Devos, Johnson needed in office

Dear Editor:
Nov. 7, I hope you will join our family and vote for Mike Bouchard for the U.S. Senate, and Dick Devos and Ruth Johnson for governor and lieutenant governor. With the collapse of the Michigan economy and the need for new state leadership in the governor’s office that can work with Mike Bouchard in Washington, we can turn this state and federal government around.
Mike Bouchard, as our sheriff and state senator, is a natural for state, national, and international security, opening the 6th Circuit log jam of the federal judicial appeals and working with Dick Devos and Ruth Johnson to bring jobs back to Michigan. Dick Devos and Ruth Johnson can work with the legislature to grow jobs in the private sector rather than the bloated government and over-regulations that chase jobs to other states and countries.
There are two polls that really count. One is Nov. 7 and the other is our last thoughts at night for our children, security, and well being, and whom do you trust the most to protect them. It is not even a close decision. It’s Mike Bouchard and Dick Devos on Nov. 7.
James O’Neill