Is it truly that unpopular to speak up?
Are you the type of person that dislikes a meal in a restaurant but feels compelled not to say anything about it, even though you paid for it?
The truth of the matter is, ignorance is bliss.
The implementation of the technological advances in our classrooms will thrust us forward globally; if only our teachers had the time and instruction on how to use it. I volunteer for many things, including working in the classrooms, and I find teachers working diligently on just the simple operations of the smartboards.(‘Brandon Schools: ‘There is hope for our small community,? The Citizen, March 29, page 8). Interview the students who are in the classrooms to see the reality of the usage of our technology. Allow the teachers paid time to learn how to use the equipment. A piece of equipment is only as good as the expertise of its user. Just like the surgeon behind the scalpel or the musician on an instrument. If you attend any of the board meetings, you will see simple usage of sound and equipment devices is lacking.
Do not be fooled by all the smoke and mirrors. Look into the daily operations of our classrooms.
Belle Ann Elementary has a projection window, an expensive piece of equipment I have only seen used one time.
Why? Because you can only see it in the dark. The sun shines on it and the projection is lost. Is this necessary equipment? Our children have difficulty with their reading material and comfort because the sun glares into the classroom. Teachers have become innovative and creative using construction paper and purchasing shower curtains to cover the windows. Where is the bond money for much needed window coverings?
Our new drinking fountains are covered and out of order. Why? Because we have arsenic in our water. What happened to our water filtration system? I know fresh drinking water is essential for a good education. Statistics and medical research show that dehydration decreases the neuron-to-neuron transmission in the brain, thus decreasing learning. Today teachers spend more time handing out plastic cups to our children to get water from a delivered drinking system. I am sure this is also an expense on our budget.
Let the people using our classrooms on a day-to-day basis have input on what is important to spend our bond money on.
Basic needs have to be addressed before higher education can take place. Food, water, shelter, and safety are those basic needs. The foundations of our schools have to be strong so we can build upon them.
I don’t consider getting involved and voicing your opinion, ‘bickering and complaining.’A board meeting that is standing room only is a good thing.
Stay involved and come to the next board meeting on Monday, April 21, at 6:30 p.m. (Brandon Middle School).
Take time out of your busy lives for the good of our community. Don’t lose your voice! Let’s not camouflage our existence. I love Brandon Schools and our community. We have great people that live and work here. I am proud to say I live in Ortonville.
Let us look ahead with our eyes truly open. Our future can and will be bright.
Maria Lauinger