Brandon Schools tighten security

By Shelby Stewart
Staff Writer
In the wake of the recent shooting at Oxford High School, Brandon School District is going to be implementing more security measures.
“I am very proud of our schools, I think we have done our best, I think we do our best,” said Lisa Kavalhuna, school board president. “We work closely with law enforcement, we work closely as a team. Everything we do, there’s room for improvement. There’s a process in place that is underway and is being visited.”
Dozens of students across southeastern Michigan have been arrested in the last week for making copy-cat threats of school shootings.
“Anyone that makes these kinds of threats will be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” said Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard.
Brandon schools have implemented extra security measures in the last few years, including numbering doors of emergency personnel to get to any kind of incident as quickly as possible and hiring a security company to have a security guard at the front door of every building.

“When I first came out here as the substation commander, the biggest issue I had with this school district was the lack of contact with the law enforcement with something that we deem should have been a police issue,” said OCSO Brandon substation commander Lt. Greg Glover. “In the last four or five years that has absolutely changed. I think this district has done an outstanding job contacting us when they think it’s something that might be important to us.”
As far as moving forward, the school and OCSO have been in contact about ways to tighten up current measures. There will also be upcoming conversations about extra measures that could be put in place, such as door stops.
“We have had meetings as far as tightening up a few of the things that I think are a little bit lax, that I see personally when I’m in this building, but for the most part I think this district has done a great job,” said Glover.
Premier Security was brought to Brandon a few years ago with a recommendation from Glover.
“I thought they were right for this school, I thought that was the best thing we could do safety wise to also work with our law enforcement, with our school liaison, and I think it’s worked out absolutely outstanding,” said Glover. “Any recommendations that we make as law enforcement, they have gone out of their way to take care of that.”

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