Can we improve Michigan or should we give up and do nothing?

To reclaim Michigan, we need your help now.

In November, 2010, we need a majority to vote YES to hold a new Michigan Constitutional Convention to lay the foundation for a New Michigan.

Our State Constitution places this question automatically on the Statewide ballot every 16 years. The next vote is coming up in November, 2010. No petition drive is needed. The question is waiting to be answered YES.

Michigan now faces challenges that did not exist when the current State Constitution was approved in 1963.

If a State Constitutional Convention is called, 148 delegates will be elected to review the Constitution and propose changes (if any) to Michigan voters.

Maybe no changes will result. But we should have the opportunity for elected citizens from throughout Michigan to gather in a non-legislative environment to discuss if our Constitution could be improved.

Perhaps you could be one of those 148 elected delegates. Or help people you respect and support to be elected as delegates to promote your views.

You supported an effort to adopt a part-time legislature in Michigan because you felt it would improve how our State was being governed. Will you now support an effort to review our governing document?

Please let me know if you are interested in this project.

Two meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, 2009 in Clarkston.

Henry S. Woloson

To reclaim Michigan, we need your help now.

In November, 2010, we need a majority to vote YES to hold a new Michigan Constitutional Convention to lay the foundation for a New Michigan.

Our State Constitution places this question automatically on the Statewide ballot every 16 years. The next vote is coming up in November, 2010. No petition drive is needed. The question is waiting to be answered YES.

Michigan now faces challenges that did not exist when the current State Constitution was approved in 1963.

If a State Constitutional Convention is called, 148 delegates will be elected to review the Constitution and propose changes (if any) to Michigan voters.

Maybe no changes will result. But we should have the opportunity for elected citizens from throughout Michigan to gather in a non-legislative environment to discuss if our Constitution could be improved.

Perhaps you could be one of those 148 elected delegates. Or help people you respect and support to be elected as delegates to promote your views.

You supported an effort to adopt a part-time legislature in Michigan because you felt it would improve how our State was being governed. Will you now support an effort to review our governing document?

Please let me know if you are interested in this project.

Two meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, 2009 in Clarkston.

Henry S. Woloson

Can we improve Michigan or should we give up and do nothing?

To reclaim Michigan, we need your help now.

In November, 2010, we need a majority to vote YES to hold a new Michigan Constitutional Convention to lay the foundation for a New Michigan.

Our State Constitution places this question automatically on the Statewide ballot every 16 years. The next vote is coming up in November, 2010. No petition drive is needed. The question is waiting to be answered YES.

Michigan now faces challenges that did not exist when the current State Constitution was approved in 1963.

If a State Constitutional Convention is called, 148 delegates will be elected to review the Constitution and propose changes (if any) to Michigan voters.

Maybe no changes will result. But we should have the opportunity for elected citizens from throughout Michigan to gather in a non-legislative environment to discuss if our Constitution could be improved.

Perhaps you could be one of those 148 elected delegates. Or help people you respect and support to be elected as delegates to promote your views.

You supported an effort to adopt a part-time legislature in Michigan because you felt it would improve how our State was being governed. Will you now support an effort to review our governing document?

Please let me know if you are interested in this project.

Two meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, 2009 in Clarkston.

Henry S. Woloson