Clancy wants Oprah to come to Clarkston

Donna Clancy is working hard to bring television personality Oprah Winfrey to Clarkston, but she needs help.
The SCAMP Director’s project began when she logged onto Winfrey’s Web site to order a magazine subscription for a friend. She came across a contest that would have Oprah visit a town with less than 5,000 people. After calling Mayor Sharon Catallo and finding out Clarkston had a population of 952, Clancy was off and running.
‘I e-mailed Oprah and said there are only 952 people in Clarkston but the community is huge,? Clancy said. ‘You can’t beat the atmosphere here. We have concerts in the park, a historical home tour and we have SCAMP. SCAMP is wonderful for the SCAMPers and their families, but it is also good for the whole community.?
SCAMP is a five-week summer camp program for special needs individuals that takes place every year in Clarkston.
‘The community supports SCAMP completely which is amazing. We have our big five fund-raisers and if people can’t make them they write us a check,? Clancy said.
Shortly after the e-mail, Clancy received a phone call from an Oprah producer saying they needed around a five minute video on Clarkston by Oct. 1. Clancy has found a partner in Curt Catallo. Catallo, who produces television commercial for J. Walter Thompson in Detroit, offered to help with the video.
‘When he called me Curt was in New York, but he said ‘I am on my way home and I want to help.? It is very exciting,? Clancy said.
The two decided on the theme of ‘How to catch an Oprah.? They plan on having the SCAMP program be the backbone of the entire video.
The video taping has already begun. Clancy was at both the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club’s ‘Herbal Fair? and the Clarence Catallo 5K run this last week filming area residents telling Oprah to ‘Come to Clarkston.?
‘We can do this,? Clancy said. ‘We have a wonderful town and we really need her to be here.?
Many other ideas are in the works including a parade should Oprah come to Clarkston. Clancy and Catallo will be at the upcoming Labor Day Parade filming. The SCAMPers are walking in the parade.
Anyone who wants to assist in the video or has an idea for the campaign can call Clancy at the SCAMP offices at (248) 620-1882.