Clarktson Village

Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Luginski followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Roll: Present ? Mayor Luginski, Bisio, Hunter, Hargis, Roth and Haven
Others Present – City Manager Ritter
Moved by Roth, supported by Hunter, to approve the Agenda as presented.
Motion carried.
Moved by Hargis, support by Hunter to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Motion Carried. Bisio voting No.
Moved by Haven, supported by Hargis to approve forming a joint committee with Independence Township to develop a District Library agreement with the City Council appointing to the Committee one member of the Council, the City Manager and two other committee members selected by the City Council; and to make the appointments to the committee at the Council’s March 12, 2012 meeting.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Bisio, supported by Roth to postpone the Job Descriptions to the next schedule meeting of March 12, 2012.
Motion Carried.
Resolved by Hunter, supported by Bisio to adopt the City of the Village of Clarkston Investment Policy
Motion Carried.
Moved by Roth, support by Hargis to adjourn at 8:10 PM
Motion Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Richter, Clerk

Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Luginski followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Roll: Present ? Mayor Luginski, Bisio, Hunter, Hargis, Roth and Haven
Others Present – City Manager Ritter
Moved by Roth, supported by Hunter, to approve the Agenda as presented.
Motion carried.
Moved by Hargis, support by Hunter to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Motion Carried. Bisio voting No.
Moved by Haven, supported by Hargis to approve forming a joint committee with Independence Township to develop a District Library agreement with the City Council appointing to the Committee one member of the Council, the City Manager and two other committee members selected by the City Council; and to make the appointments to the committee at the Council’s March 12, 2012 meeting.
Motion Carried.
Moved by Bisio, supported by Roth to postpone the Job Descriptions to the next schedule meeting of March 12, 2012.
Motion Carried.
Resolved by Hunter, supported by Bisio to adopt the City of the Village of Clarkston Investment Policy
Motion Carried.
Moved by Roth, support by Hargis to adjourn at 8:10 PM
Motion Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Richter, Clerk

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Arkwright.
Roll. Present: Mayor Arkwright, Brueck, Gawronski, Ottman, Johnston, Roth, Inabnit
Absent: None
Others Present: City Manager Ritter, Police Chief LaCroix
Moved by Gawronski, supported by Roth, ‘That the minutes of November 10, 2008 Council meeting be approved as presented?. Motion carried.
Moved by Roth, supported by Johnston, ‘That the Agenda be approved with these additions- under Unfinished Business- (1). Council Meeting Policy, Procedures and Decorum and (2) Consolidated Goals and Objectives. Under New Business (4) Grant opportunities Main Street Oakland County and (5) WAM Grant.? Motion carried.
City Manager, Ritter, wanted the Council to be aware of a letter from the Road Commission on behalf of MDOT stating, as a cost saving measure, MDOT would not pay for any overtime generated by any snow work done on State roadways. As a result the City is advised that one pass down the middle of M15 (Main Street) to removed snow is a possibility. Everything depends on the severity of each snowfall event.
Mr. Ritter advised the Council that the 2007/2008 Audit is complete. Janz and Knight, our auditors, will be presenting the audit to the Council on December 8.
Mr. Ed Adler and Mr. Robert Roth, Leh-Ray Holdings, LLC, would like to meet with the City to determine the future development of the Twp Hall Property on 90 North Main.
The Council recommended that the first step to take would be to go before the Planning Commission and work with them. Gawronski told Mr. Adler and Mr. Roth that Monday, December 1, 2008, will be the next Planning Commission Meeting.
Motion by Johnston, supported by Inabnit to ‘Adopt the attached Council Meeting Policies, Procedures and Decorum in an effort to benefit from the most efficient and effective City Council Meeting possible.? Motion carried.
Motion by Gawronski, supported by Roth to ‘Appoint Craig McCleod to the Planning Commission for a term ending November 1, 2009.? Motion carried.
Mayor Arkwright suggested that any and all openings on any committee should be filled. Mayor Arkwright requested City Manager Ritter find out what committees have vacancies.
Resolution by Gawronski, supported by Roth to ‘Accept LTM Auto,Truck and Trailer bid of $2,924.08 dated 11/14/08 to repair the ?95 Dump Truck with a not to exceed 10% contingency.
Roll: Yeas ? Roth, Gawronski, Brueck, Arkwright, Johnston
Nays ? Inabnit, Ottman
Resolution adopted.
Mill Pond Skating – Virginia Schultz asked the Council if the City could plow an ice skating rink on the Mill Pond.
Mayor Arkwright asked the City Manager for information on who owns the land and water on the Mill Pond and the City’s insurance coverage for the next meeting.
Grants Main Street Oakland County ? DTE Energy Foundation has a cost sharing tree planting grant to be submitted by December 26, 2008, according to Council Member Ottman.
Resolution by Brueck, supported by Johnston to ‘Approve CWG applying for a WAM Grant including a $700 In Kind Service from the DPW for the Rain Garden to be expanded in Depot Park.?
Roll: Yeas ? Mayor Arkwright, Johnston, Inabnit, Gawronski, Ottman, Roth, Brueck.
Nays ‘None
Resolution adopted.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet C. Gillespie, Clerk

Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Mayor.
Roll. Present: Catallo, Brueck, Colombo, Gawronski, Johnston, Ottman, Rausch.
Absent: None.
Minutes of May 29, 2007, accepted as presented.
Agenda accepted as presented with the addition of Sandwich Board Signs under Unfinished Business.
Bills in the amount of $35,369.24 approved for payment.
Rausch reported that the City had received eighteen resumes for the position of Police Chief.
Ottman stated that she and Brueck had met with Township Trustees Kelly and Dunn to discuss the feasibility study, but not a consolidation study.
Johnston reported that on July 14 the Independence Township Planning Commission will be discussing the proposed development of Beaumont Hospital in Independence and asked that Council members keep informed of this issue as it will affect the City.
Gawronski reported that the Mill Pond Lake Improvement Board held a meeting and will be holding a public hearing for the practicability of an updated Mill Pond study.
Gawronski reported on the Planning Commission meeting of June 4 in which the Commission recommended Council approval of the Friends of Depot Park bridge.
Brueck reported on River Day and reported that this project was well supported, thanking individuals as well as the City D.P.W. Trish Hennig of American Roots supplied plants at a low cost. Rausch asked about maintenance on these plantings. Brueck stated that there should be minimum maintenance required once the plantings took hold. County Commissioner Middleton stated that native plants are hardy and will grow with little maintenance. This area will be referred to Washington Street Park located on the west side of the upper parking lot.
Acting Chief Thompson reported that there will be a grant of $2,032.80 received for vests purchased for police officers which will put this item under budget. The City will be e-mailed as soon as funds are released. Motorcycles were discussed.
Resolved that road closings with proper detours for the following events be authorized by the City Council:
Memorial Day Parade, May 28, 2007, 9:30 a.m. to Noon
Fourth of July Parade, July 4, 2007, 9:30 a.m. to Noon
Labor Day Parade, September 3, 2007, 9:30 a.m. to Noon
Taste of Clarkston, September 30, 2007, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Christmas Light Parade, December 8, 2007, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.?
City Attorney Ryan will contact AT&T relative to the Local Franchise agreement for AT&T. Pappas was instructed to proceed with submitting the COMCAST Agreement
Resolved that upon receipt of the AT&T Local Franchise Agreement, Section 6 Franchise Fee and Section 8 Pick Fees should be five percent and two percent respectively to be considered by the City of Clarkston.
Resolved that sandwich board signs be allowed on private property only and that the previous temporary granted use of the sandwich board signs on public right-of-way be rescinded and the existing sign ordinance be in force and, further, illegal Sandwich board signs are to be removed by July 1.
Resolved that the 2007 Tax Year Operating Millage for the City of the Village of Clarkston be levied at 12.8943 Mills, 6.4471 to be levied on the July tax bills and 6.4472 to be levied on the December tax bills.
Resolved that the 2007 Debt Retirement Millage for the City of the Village of Clarkston be levied at 4.6455 to be levied on the July tax bills.
Mayor Catallo opened the Budget Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget at 8:37 p.m.
Robyn Johnston asked that there be a provision for trees in the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget.
Mayor Catallo closed the Budget Hearing at 8:43 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Artemus M. Pappas, Clerk

Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Catallo followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Roll. Present: Catallo, Brueck, Colombo, Gawronski, Johnston, Ottman, Rausch.
Absent: None.
Minutes of March 27, 2007, accepted as presented.
Bills in the amount of $285,113.35 approved for payment.
Ottman reported that she had read in the paper that Oakland County would furnish a car in the City if the City were to contract with the Oakland County Sheriff coverage. Members who were present at the meeting with the Oakland County Sheriff stated that this was not a proposal but just an idea.
Gawronski reported that the Planning Commission has read through the Master Plan with revisions as needed. Also, the review of placement of the playhouse in Depot Park was put on hold until after the raffle.
Brueck reported that the Clarkston Watershed Group will meet on Wednesday, April 11, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall.
Johnston asked Pappas about the 2007 ? 2008 budget preparations. Pappas is working on this. The budget hearing should take place at the first meeting in June and the final budget adopted at the second meeting. The Finance Committee will have a meeting scheduled as soon as budget worksheets are completed.
Arrangements have been made to attach a trailer hitch to one of the police vehicles; however, the traffic trailer will not be operational until June as it requires some solar energy.t
D.P.W. Supervisor Pursley reviewed a report on the lift machine usage. He further reported that the picnic tables have been stained and placed in the park. Pursley stated that several delineators on Miller Road had been knocked down. Council directed Pursley to determine if there was any other method of maintaining a visual barrier between Miller Road and the sidewalk.
Moved That the D.P.W. investigate alternatives for barriers on Miller Road between the street and sidewalk.
Pursley will ask for a line item in the budget for maintaining the storage area. Once the present materials are removed, the D.P.W. will attempt to keep this area cleaned out on a regular basis.
Ginny Schultz reported that she has started a fund raiser for the proposed bridge in Depot Park. She is expecting the permit applications on Wednesday, April 11, and checks have been given to the City Manager to pass along to Hubbell, Roth and Clark for the required applications.
Correspondence from the Clarkston Community Historical Society (copy on file) regarding Art in the Village and the Farmers Market was discussed. The Historical Society asked that the City Council maintain its original stipulation that the Farmers Market not be held on the week end of the Art in the Village. Discussion followed wherein Johnston considered the Farmers Market an outside sales for Clarkston Mills and it is on private property. City Attorney Ryan stated that even if an event such as the Farmers Market is held on private property, it requires City approval for the use issue.
Tom Stone stated that this was a safety issue with too many things at one time in the same locale.
Steve Arkwright speaking for the Historical Society stated that in the past the City Council had stipulated that the Farmers Market would not occur during the Art in the Village week end. Arkwright stated that ten thousand people come to Art in the Village which is now in its thirtieth year. Funds raised by this event total seventy percent of the total budget for the Historical Society which in turn funds local projects. There are also other groups that use this event for fund raising according to Arkwright. Arkwright further stated that one hundred crafters come in with u-haul trailers and campers to use this time for setting up their booths.
Ottman stated that this should be a non-issue as it was agreed not to have the Farmers Market on the week end of Art in the Village. Toni Brown stated that the Historical Society wanted to know the City’s feelings before meeting with the Farmers Market representatives.
Resolved That the City Council adopt the Policies and Procedures Manual as presented.
Reported that Township Trustee Dan Kelly would be at the April 23 City Council meeting to discuss the feasibility study as proposed by the County for shared services between municipalities.
Resolved that the City Council is open to all manners of feasibility studies short of consolidation of governments.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Artemus M. Pappas, Clerk

Thursday, November 2, 2006
The City of the Village of Clarkston announces a Public Accuracy Testing of the computer program on Thursday, November 2, 2006, at 11:00 a.m. for the November 7, 2006, General Election.
The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the computer program used to record and count the votes cast at the election meets the requirements of the law.
This testing will be held at the City Hall, 375 Depot Road, Clarkston, Michigan.
Artemus M. Pappas, Clerk
City of the Village of Clarkston

Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Mayor Catallo.
Roll. Present: Catallo, Gamble, Meyland, Ottman, Savage.
Absent: Colombo, Wylie.
Minutes of October 10, 2005, approved as presented.
Agenda approved as presented.
Meyland reported that he is meeting with Chief Combs to formulate a procedure for handling citizen complaints.
Ottman reported that by next meeting she will have heard on the status of local grants from SBC for creating websites.
Savage reported that this being his last Council meeting, he wished to express his thoughts that the Council has accomplished much in the last eight to ten years and is moving forward.
Mayor Catallo expressed her sorrow at the passing of Richard Morgan, owner of the oldest business in the City. Mr. Morgan gave much to the community as well as to individual area residents in his services, and he will be sorely missed by the Clarkston Community.
Chief Combs reported that Holcomb and Miller Roads have been patrolled to enforce the speed limit.
Chief Combs is scheduling his staff for Halloween with cars to be posted at both ends of Holcomb for traffic control.
Pursley reported that Scott Rouse has been hired as a full-time employee. Ralph Daigle has been hired to fill the part-time D.P.W. position. It is policy that all new D.P.W. employees are on a six-month probationary period.
Pursley stated that the D.P.W. has been doing extensive tree trimming before the winter weather sets in.
Mayor Catallo opened the Public Hearing for FY2006 Community Development Block Grant Funds at 7:18 p.m.
Pappas discussed the previous allocations and was asked to investigate the use of funds for equipment in the park for special needs children. Pappas stated that with the plans for a new Senior Center facility, funds may be requested for that issue.
Mayor Catallo closed the Public Hearing at 7:25 p.m.
Cory Johnston asked the Council about the status of installing curbs on Wompole. Ottman asked that the Council receive bids for this work. Pappas reported that there were no funds available at this time for this work. Ottman stated she would pursue this issue.
Jim Brueck requested that a street light be installed at the curve on Middle Lake by the Barnett residence. Pursley will contact DTE to determine if one can be installed there and if costs to the City are involved.
Moved that the request from David Huttenlocher regarding the rezoning of 5 South Holcomb be referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendations to the Council.
Resolved that the City Council approve the use of Depot Park for the picnic for special needs youngsters on October 29 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. subject to appropriate number of handicap toilets required as well as meeting with the City’s D.P.W. and Police Department to coordinate the activity.
Resolved That the City Council authorize a donation of $100 to the Independence Township Parks and Recreation Department for ‘The Family Holiday Fest? at Bay Court Park the first two week ends in December.
Meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Artemus M. Pappas