Community stands by principal

Students and community members are rallying around Lake Orion High School Principal Todd Dunckley to protest an issue that’s yet to be acknowledged at the board level.
Rumors moving through the schools suggest the board will not renew Dunckley’s contract, which is set to expire this year. What’s believed to be the inciting issue is the principal doesn’t fit the board’s vision for the district.
Past Reviews have featured Letters to the Editor in Dunckley’s defense, and over 700 students signed a petition asking for their principal’s return and several teachers have spoken up on Dunckley’s valuable presence in the high school.
The administration hasn’t officially remarked on the rumors or outcry except to say it can’t.
‘Although I truly wish that I could, I’m unable to comment on any personnel issue,? said Superintendent Ken Gutman. He added that there has been no board action and to comment on any potential issue would violate staff privacy rights.
At the meeting on March 11, boardmembers sat before one of their largest audiences. The administration building was packed with area residents and high-schoolers there to ask for Dunckley’s return next year.
Rhonda Oldford, an LOHS math teacher, said, ‘We are proud to work with such a competent and enthusiastic, and wish to continue to do so for many years.?
English and reading teacher Leann Lowe echoed Oldford’s sentiments. Both teachers gave anecdotal evidence of their principal’s positive impact on the school.
Chris Murphy, an Orion resident with children in the school system, alluded to foul play and cronyism in the administration and on the school board.
‘I think it’s sad when you can sit up there and say the kids are the focus of this district when I think it’s more of an agenda-based board,? she said.
Hayden Moore and Brian Diven addressed the board on behalf of many high school students in attendance.
‘The students are angry that we found out Mr. Dunckley might not get his contract renewed this year,? Moore said.
‘We, the students of Lake Orion, would like to know if it’s too late to do anything for our principal, Mr. Dunckley, who I support with my full heart,? Diven said.