Covered in kindness

Some area youth are a little warmer this winter thanks to the work of a Goodrich High School senior.
Chyna Slade, 17, brightened the holiday hospital stay for some young patients by creating 40 fleece tie blankets in an effort to ease a difficult time.
‘I just did not like the thought of children being sick and in the hospital over Christmas,? she said.
Slade chose to make tie fleece blankets with funds raised through a GoFundMe account on Facebook and purchased all of her materials from Joann Fabrics. The project was completed in about a month. The total collection was about $1,500, enough to provide a gift card to Walmart and a candy cane.
Slade’s blankets were part of her high school Capstone project’which since 2013, is a final project that any student enrolled in a high school English class must complete to graduate. The project allows students to apply all they learned to a meaningful project. She delivered blankets to patients aged 2 to 15 at Genesys Medical Center in Grand Blanc and Hurley Medical Center in Flint.
‘Being in the hospital over the holidays is tough, but it’s even tougher when you’re a kid,? she said.