Indian Springs Metropark Environmental Discovery Center in Springfield Township offers ‘Scientist-for-a-Day Day Camp,? through Friday, June 19, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Children entering grades 3-5 can discover what it is like to be a geologist, astronomer, biologist or meteorologist as they explore these different areas of science. Each day campers will run experiments, make observations, use microscopes, do ‘scientific? arts and crafts, and participate in fun and games.
Participants need to bring a sack lunch each day, bug spray and sunscreen, and dress for the weather, including rain poncho, sun hat or sweatshirt, hiking boots or supportive shoes.
Fee is $75 per child. Pre-registration required.
‘Nature Adventure Day Camp? is Tuesday-Friday, July 14-17, 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Children entering grades 3-5 hike through the woods and wetlands, discover outer space, solve wild animal mysteries and learn how to use a compass.
Each day, campers will go on an adventure, create natural arts and crafts, and participate in fun and games. Wear hiking boots or supportive shoes, no sandals allowed. Fee is $75 per child. For additional information or to register, contact the Environmental Discovery Center at 800-477-3192 or 248-625-6640.
‘Nature Tech Day Camp? is Aug. 4-7, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m., for grades 4-6. Investigate nature using technology and gadgetsm such as GPS units, microscopes, weather stations, data loggers, and computers.
Bring a sack lunch each day, bug spray and sunscreen and dress accordingly for the weather. Wear hiking boots or supportive shoes, no sandals allowed. Fee is $75 fee per camper. Pre-registration is required.
For more information or to register, contact the Environmental Discovery Center at 248-625-6640 or 800-477-3192.