District confirms MRSA at high school

Evening classes were cancelled at Lake Orion High School on Thursday after the district confirmed a case of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Evening activities were cancelled at the school.
Custodians were in the process of doing a thorough cleaning of the building and athletic fields on Thursday night, and outside contractors were called in as well to enable the school to open as scheduled on Friday.
The Lake Orion Community School District confirmed it’s first case of MRSA on Tuesday at Oakview Middle School.
Custodians spent the evening cleaning the school and it was open as usual on Wednesday.
A letter from Superintendent Christine Lehman confirmed the news in both cases and instructed parents on what to do (http://www.lakeorion.k12.mi.us/pdfs/HS%20Letter%2010-25-07.pdf).
Other schools around the county have confirmed similar cases of MRSA in the past week.
Stay with The Review for more coverage of this story.