Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is collecting new or clean, gently-used coats as part of its 25th annual ‘Coats for the Cold? Coat Drive, through Nov. 30.
Locally, donation drop boxes are at Real Estate One, 31 S. Main, Clarkston; Independence Township sheriff’s substation, 6560 Citation Drive; and Springfield Township sheriff’s substation, 9075 Big Lake Road.
For more locations, check www.oaklandsheriff.com
‘Coats for the Cold is a good way to help someone less fortunate stay warm this winter,? said Sheriff Michael Bouchard. ‘With the needs of the community growing so rapidly, we are asking the community to give generously this year.”
Coats will be given to several local charitable organizations for distribution free to those in need.
Providing boxes for coat donations is partner 1-800-MINI-STORAGE.
“We are proud to promote this important coat drive and give the neighborhood an opportunity to help those in need,? said David Koontz, marketing director for 1-800-MINI-STORAGE.
Also, the sheriff’s office is collecting candy donations for Treats for Troops, a project to send thanks, encouragement, and sweets to troops overseas.
Parents and children can also include thank you, holiday, and other notes with donations.
‘Treats for Troops is a great way parents can participate in a community service project with their kids while showing our troops we support them back home,? Bouchard said.
Drop off individually wrapped candy locally at Independence Township Substation, 6560 Citation Drive, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 2. A drop box is located in the lobby of the substation. No chocolate please.
Michigan Military Moms and Operation Care Package Michigan will assist with shipping.