The Clarkston High School Perfoming Arts Center was filled with energy and sound Saturday night as Raion Taiko performed on Japanese drums.
The event was hosted by the high school’s Japanese Club to raise money for relief efforts in Japan after the tsunami and earthquake on March 11, 2011.
Over $1,400 was raised and will go to help students who were unable to take their college entrance exams, the National Japan Exchange and Teaching Alumni Association, Rikuzentakata, where one of the JET teachers lived, and the Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund, a JET teacher who died.
“We thank everyone for coming and donating to such a great cause,” said Faye Valtadoros, teaching Japanese at the high school.
“It brought awareness that Japan is still in need of our help and support.”
Donations are still accepted until Monday and can be dropped off to the high school to Valtadoros. Cash and checks are welcome. Checks can be made out to Clarkston Community Schools.