‘Female? responds to’manly? columnist

(Editor’s note: Don Rush did not write a column this week. While the following would not have been accepted as a Letter to the Editor ? the writer was not brave enough to identify herself ? Mr. Rush has adopted the role of ‘sensitive male? and asked that it be printed in his space this week. It is in response to his publically putting into writing what he thinks and at times referring back to old John Wayne movies…)

Men who think the way you do, and those who agree with all of the statements you’ve made, are a major problem in today’s society. I’m tired of hearing men say things like, ‘We’re going to look. It’s just a guy thing. Deal with it.?
No. It’s a caveman thing. Grow up. And stop trying to use the evolutionary guys- have-a-dozen-wives thing. If you’d prefer to ‘ogle? at what’s out there, you probably don’t deserve the woman you’re with.
Most men I know seem to think that they’re not expendable.
It seems like men view women as available for a-dime-a-dozen ? ‘So what if she doesn’t like me going to Hooters; she can deal with it or leave.?
Leave, I say. I’m tired of women putting up with caveman behavior, putting up with such things as The Man Show and Howard Stern, and acting as if they don’t care that their partner would rather fill their eyes and minds with cheap thrills (unless we wait to talk to them during commercials). (The Man Show refers to women as ‘Juggies.? All we are to men who watch that show are breasts and g-string bikinis ? unless we’re too fat.)
I’m also tired of media topics such as eating disorders and depression, especially in young girls. The media is a main cause of it. Television programs and commercials, and most magazines, are either aimed toward the male audience, or focus on telling the female audience how they should be to satisfy the male audience.
Don Rush, your statement, ‘If you think you’re fat, you probably are,? was hurtful, and inappropriate for this community newspaper. Almost every female believes she is fat, and until men shut up, grow up, get smarter, and have some class, women will be degraded and exploited, and basically treated as ‘expendable.? I’m not expendable, and I’m tired of being made to feel as if I am.
Women matter. It’s time men start to realize that. I don’t care what the Duke would say to all this, and I hope you don’t have a daughter. This type of thinking on Dear Old Dad’s part wouldn’t be good for her self-esteem.
Some more points, Don: we don’t think of shopping as a sport, either. Most men I know send the women to shop for everything except tools. If it weren’t for us, all those men would have to starve and go around naked and dirty.
And sometimes, men make us cry. Bringing a human being to tears through insensitive or intentionally hurtful actions is unacceptable. We cry.
Men raise their voices and stomp around (some do much worse than that, and I won’t even start on what I think of those worthless creatures). We cry some more. And it’s really nice to know that men find nothing of value in the things we have to say (WAIT UNTIL THE COMMERCIALS!).
From his cliffside cave condo in Bedrock, Rush points out, ‘Ugala, boogala, gung. Ugg, and yabba dabba doo!?
Comments for Caveman Don can be e-mailed to: don@dontrushmedon.com