Halloween fun for special needs children

Children unable to go trick-or-treating because of physical limitations or other special needs will have an opportunity for Halloween to be brought to them– by a group of bikers.
Kaz Mamon, an Ortonville resident and Harley-Davidson motorcycle rider, is inviting physically and mentally impaired children from Oakland County to join him and up to 300 Halloween costumed bikers on 150 motorcycles from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m., Oct. 29, at Depot Park, 375 Depot Road, in Clarkston. Mamon has extended an invitation to all special needs children in both the Brandon and Goodrich school districts.
Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m., with hot dogs off the grill, chips and pop. At about noon, the bikers will ride into the park, handing out buckets to the kids and then filling them with educational items and treats donated from various businesses and organizations, including Meijer’s, Kmart, JoAnn Fabrics, the Detroit Lions and the Detroit Pistons.
To RSVP for this event, call Mamon at (248) 627-2332 or email him at KMamomIII@aol.com, leaving the child’s name and age.
For more information about what Mamon does and why, visit www.MamonRide.homestead.com