Never before have so many smiling masked-faces gathered in one spot without a robbery occurring.
That’s because these weren’t the masks of outlaws and bandits. They were masks that stood for truth, justice and goodness.
They were masks that symbolized the Old West’s greatest hero ? the Lone Ranger.
It seemed like everyone was sporting a black mask Tuesday evening as more than 250 folks showed up for a special sneak preview of Disney’s new Lone Ranger movie at the Oxford 7 Theater.
They all gathered in the Oxford Bank parking lot for a special pre-movie party that included plenty of food, beverages and good old-fashioned country music provided by Ruby T and Valentine.
After folks filled their bellies and slaked their thirst, everyone moseyed on over to the theater to watch the Lone Ranger ride across the silver screen, thrilling and inspiring a whole new generation of little buckaroos with his heroic deeds and fast-paced adventures.
Oxford is proud to call itself the ‘Home of the Mask? because the Lone Ranger, also known as Brace Beemer, lived here from 1942-65.
Beemer was the radio voice of the Lone Ranger from 1941-54 on WXYZ in Detroit. He played the beloved character in more than 2,000 episodes heard across the U.S.