Hooray, spring is on its way!

Mr. Prozac, Oxford’s very own weather prognosticating llama, made his annual Goundhog Day prediction from his home at Windstar Farm the morning of Feb. 2.
The llama officially reported he DID NOT see his shadow, therefore we can anticipate an early spring this year. Yahoo!
Mr. Prozac, according to groundhogsday.com, is the only weather prognosticating llama in the entire world.
He learned the secret art of from his longtime friend Noah John.
Noah John, a groundhog, passed away in 2002 from injuries sustained in a car accident when he was only a few weeks old.
For years, Noah made his Groundhog Day predictions in Centennial Park surrounded by media, public officials and delighted children.
Knowing his days were limited, Noah John spent a lot of time with Mr. Prozac instructing him in the age old art of predicting the weather.
Mr. Prozac has been making Groundhog Day predictions for the last 6 years.
His weather predictions have appeared on API and been noted in newspapers across the United States and Europe.