Letter to the editor – Lt. Gov. talks Prop. 6

The New International Trade Crossing (NITC) will not be a ‘government bridge,? as various deceptive ads have portrayed it. Rather, it will be built, operated and maintained by the private sector under an innovative public-private partnership. Qualified bidders will vie for the right to operate the NITC. In fact, there’s nothing to stop the Ambassador Bridge owner to bid for the project as well.
So what’s the problem? The billionaire owner of the Ambassador Bridge doesn’t like competition and enjoys a monopoly. Tolls at the Ambassador Bridge are the highest of any U.S.-Canada crossing in the nation. To no one’s surprise, this special interest is going all-out to preserve the status quo.
The NITC prepares southeastern Michigan to become a global transportation hub, creates private sector competition, and the best part: no cost to Michigan taxpayers.
The NITC is about more than building a bridge. It’s a future that’s right for Michigan.
Brian Calley
Lt. Governor