Letters to the Editor May 20, 2023

Rocking and Raking
I want to thank all of the people who helped with the Rockin’ and Rakin’ at my house. They are amazing people – very pleasant and hard-working. They left before I could thank them. (I did thank them when they first came to my door. But needed to tell them how much I appreciate all they did for me.) I think the public needs to know that there are a lot of good – very good young people in our area.
Thanks again.
Eileen Bradley

Brandon Fire Thank-you
I would like to thank the Brandon Fire Department, the Brandon EMTs and Deputy MacDonald for all of the help they gave me when I had my accident on May 3, 2023. All of the aid was personable, helpful and they made me more confident all would end well. Thank you again and thanks for your service.
Cris Venglar
Brandon Twp.

Therapy Dogs
In response to “Scouts paws to read,” The Citizen, May 13, page 3.
Thank you for the write up regarding Mid Michigan Therapy Dogs.  I am here in Ortonville and my Australian Shepherd “Olive” graduated with the spring therapy dog class on May 10. We are ready to help bring a warm and comforting visit to any group that needs it.  olivetheaussiereads@gmail.com
Wendi Hamlett

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