Letters to the Editor Oct. 10, 2020

(In response to, “A feel good vote,” a letter by Richard Saroli, The Citizen, Sept. 26, page 6)
No rebuff
Dear Editor,
A few questions Saroli. What is the air quality going to be for your children, grandchildren and all future humans on this Earth if nothing is done to stop the pollution from bad emissions and coal burning?
Are you a legal hunter? All animals will benefit from air quality, right? And land that provides them with food and water to drink. Stop fracking that can contaminate our water sources.
Mr. Trump is spending billions on a wall that is not holding up. Watch the new ’60 Minutes’ and see the damage from building the wall too close to the edge of the river. There are already erosion ‘caves’ under it. Some $13 billion have been wasted on this project. A contract that was made without the approval of his cabinet and senate, but by his corrupt cronies. Because we have a president that cannot accept that the scientists and learned persons have intelligence and learning behind their decisions. The money spent on the wall is taking away from your earned benefits.
Do you receive Social Security, and are you a Medicare insurance receiver? Stop and look around you, see the people in the food lines so they can feed their families. Look at the regular people around you, start having some compassion. I am personally fed up with the leader of our country. He has no respect for anyone around him. He fires anyone that will not agree with him. He holds back truth, lies about anything that doesn’t agree with him. His favorite words are ‘Fake news’ and ‘Conspiracy.’ Need I go on?
If you back this person are you voting for the people of the United States or your own selfish needs?
Yes, I am for gun control, consideration of life, all lives and helping all that are in need to the extent of my abilities. And shame on you for insulting an honorable, God Fearing, hard working President Jimmy Carter.
The debate last evening was a sham due to the fact that our president has no common decency and evidently was not taught any manners or consideration for others. He has proven to me that he is an accomplished bully of no education, and does not deserve the honor or respect of his office.
God Bless America. And no, Mr. Saroli, I don’t need any rebuff. It won’t make me change my mind. Margaret Story
Vote Simeone
Dear Editor,
My name is Ed Simeone, and I am running for a chair on the Goodrich Village council My wife, Georgia and I have not lived here in town very long, but we are active volunteers in the community.
I have never served on a council or even been a fan of the political scene. But after attending many of the council meetings I have come to realize how truly divided we are as a community. So with that, I thought I would throw may name into the hat and be a voice of the people. I come to ask for your vote on Nov 3, with no ulterior motives at hand, but to somehow try and bring a small town together in this very divided world. To help make people be proud of where they live and other communities envious of what we can do.
I would like to see the Mill Pond become a place that everyone can enjoy, while addressing our roads, which seems to be on top of most everyone’s list.
I am against the dissolving of the village, the draining of the Mill pond or getting rid of the DPW, but will look at ways to reduce any unnecessary spending in all areas of the village while not being afraid to spend it in areas that will enhance the beauty of our town while making it a more exciting place to live.
This is who I am, and who you will be voting for if you choose to do so.
Ed Simeone
What if our downtown stores cried out for help?
Dear Editor,
Right now, our Downtown is literally drowning in its own sewage and is on life support. Oakland County will not grant permits to potential new businesses because of failing septic systems. We’ve got local merchants and property owners, long time Ortonville residents, paying over $500 a week, just to pump septic tanks in order to keep their businesses afloat.
What is Village Council Trustee Dan Eshmann’s solution to this mess? Let’s spend $300,000 of our village residents’ property tax money to tear up our downtown Crossman Park and run a storm drain pipe through it to handle excess moisture. Really Dan – like this is the long term solution to our septic problems? This is like putting a band aid on skin cancer – it’s useless!
Oh, by the way, how much of our annual village budget is $300,000? Why, it is one year’s worth of your village property taxes! That’s right, one full year of your taxes being spent on a drain pipe that will have minimal effect on our sewage problems.

Oh, and what village fund is Dan siphoning this money from? Our Road Maintenance and Improvement fund. So if there’s anybody running their campaign on fixing our roads, there’s no money to pay for it.
So, citizens of Ortonville, when Dan Eshmann’s “Downtown Survival Plan” passes and it will, unless you’re willing to stand up stop it, then you’ll be able to see your tax dollars at work – just take your kids downtown over to where Crossman Park used to be, and stare at the pile of dirt that $300,000 of your hard earned taxpayer money has bought for them.
But there is a much better solution for our merchants’ Downtown plight to survive – and yes, our solution does call for SEWERS and I’ll write about a working plan on how we can implement them next week.
Pat George, village trustee
Septic system
Dear Editor,
Getting to know your councilmembers.
A current councilmember is going door-to-door telling the Village residents that the Kratts are trying to push sewers through the village and he will prevent them.
It’s simply not true.
Fact: Our family is working with Kieft Engineering to put a septic system in and we don’t care about sewers and have zero intentions of pushing sewers. The village residents don’t want sewers and we understand and respect that as they spoke loud when they casted their ballots. Our businesses in the village need new septic systems now, and they wouldn’t be able to wait for sewers anyway. Thank you The Kratt Family
Vote Schluentz
Dear Editor,
A wife, A mom, a homemaker; doesn’t sound like your typical government candidate! But actually, that’s why I’m running.
A wife who is a proud representation of our family when in public in and around town. A mom, who is taking kids on walks, using our community resources, and concerned for the safety of our subdivision and friends. And a homemaker; knowledgeable on our town and the area in which we live, frequenting our local small businesses, meeting and socializing with our neighbors, and being present in schools and community events.
Why vote for Schluentz?
Passion for a revitalized and updated downtown, but keeping the quaint and amazing small town feel Goodrich offers.
A marketing and management background backs a strong drive to bring new ideas for better communication, yet open-minded for suggestions from others.
I’m asking for your vote this election to serve as the voice of families, moms, dads, and your neighbors in Goodrich. Thank you, I look forward to serving you on our council. Melissa Schluentz

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